Creating ServiceDesk report showing the SLA compliance and violation trend using Analytics Plus
Creating a ServiceDesk report displaying the historical backlog trend based on priority
No OPM performance details
Hi. We have an OPManager instance Build 11600 and we are beginning to test the Analytics Plus integration. We have Analytic Plus Personal version 3, build 3010 The initial fetching works fine, until it tried to fetch the performance infortamition (Just indicate "To be initeated" and nothing else happen OPM performance details table is empty Our Opmanger database is very small (90 devices) and it is collecting performance info correctly Rest of the data was fetched fine. and I can have reports on
No OPM performance information
Hi We have Opmanager Essential, build 11600 and we are trying to test Analytics plus integration with it We have a personal version of Analytics Plus 3-00, build 3010 We are having 2 issues 1-All seems to work fine regarding Alarms, events and inventory, however when we tried to gather OPM performance information the fetching of the information never initiated OPM performance details is empty, so no chart were available Attached you will find some screenshots of the issue Our Opmanager Database is
Analytics Plus is not available
Services work: ManageEngineAnalyticsPlus ManageEngineAnalyticsPlusAccounts ManageEngineAnalyticsPlusApplication But the server itself is unavailable. Software and server settings have not changed. Simply ceased to be available on the web. What could be the problem? STATUS | wrapper | 2016/09/27 10:56:58 | <-- Wrapper Stopped STATUS | wrapper | 2016/09/27 10:57:12 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2016/09/27 10:57:12 | Java Service Wrapper Professional Edition 64-bit 3.5.15 STATUS
Сhange сredentials
Hi, How to change the "Host Name / IP Address" and "HTTPS Port Number" in the tab "Advanced Analytics" without removal all configured settings and your complete database in ManageEngine Analytics Plus? Perhaps make it through the database SDP? Thanks!
How do I share admin privileges with other users in Analytics Plus?
Hi, I want to share admin privileges with my colleague for a database that I created. How do I do that?
AD \ Pass-through Authentication
Hi, Do you plan the implementation of these functions? Active Directory Authentication NTLM "Pass-through" Authentication And the translation into languages other than English... Thanks!
Change port
Can I change the port from 8443 to 80 or 443? I want to address is displayed without 8443: https://servername:8443/ Using changeHostPort.bat?
Creating a ServiceDesk Plus report showing the average requests per user, in each department
The total number of requests coming from one department doesn't always give you the full picture. A department with 100 people will obviously have more number of requests compared to a department with just 10 people in it. To find the actual load per user in each department, you need to calculate the average requests per user. This average can be used in your report to find the department wise split. This video explains how.
How can I create a widget that shows requests closed within a certain timeframe
Week-over-week, we report on a couple of metrics from the week prior Number of requests Opened for a support group. Number of requests Closed for a support group. We've been able to produce those numbers, but what I can't seem to figure out is how to produce Number of tickets created that were closed in less than 24 hours (Completed requests closed < 24 HOURS) Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Adam
Integrating Analytics Plus with OpManager and Applications Manager for IT Operational Analytics
Performance data not collected from OpManager
Hi, I am using OpManager 11600. I am testing the latest Analytics Plus software. I successfully added the OpManager via API. I can see reports related to alarms and inventory. The problem is that I am not able to see any data related to CPU, memory, disk and so on. Could you help to understand what is going wrong? Thanks, Roberto
Analytics Plus now extends integration for IT Operations and Support
Hello there! We are proud to announce that Analytics Plus is generally available now, and this power-packed version now has a host of new features. In addition to ITSM analytics (based on ServiceDesk Plus and ServiceDesk Plus MSP), the product now extends self-service analytics to ManageEngine's IT Operations and Support suite. Highlights of the GA release include: Integration with Applications Manager and OpManager, with out-of the box reports and dashboards using operational data, pulled
Cant connect ServiceDesk Plus to Analytics Plus
Hey there, I installed SDP and Analytics Plus (Personal) on the same server. When I try to connect from SDP Admin Interface, I get the following error: I hope you can tell me, how to solve this error. Regards, Hannes
Repopulate Servicedesk Plus data in Analytics Plus
I see mismatch in data between Servicedesk Plus and Analytics Plus. How do I delete and repopulate the data in Analytics Plus?
Creating a date filter with relative times
Is it possible to have a date filter with relative times? For example, All requests created in the previous week (rolling--meaning it updates weekly) All requests opened in the last seven days (rolling--meaning it updates daily) Pesently, I'm trying to apply such dates to widgets. I'm trialing the on-premise version linked to SDP Enterprise. Sincerely, Adam
How to create a ServiceDesk Plus age-tier report using Analytics Plus?
How to create an all-in-one Servicedesk Plus request trend report using Analytics Plus?
Not able to access the Analytics URL from the network
Hi Team, I have installed the Manageengine Servicedesk Plus and Analytics Plus on the same system.I am able to access the Service desk plus URL from the network but not able to access the Analytics Plus URL from the network. I am able to telnet the 8443 (Analytics Plus) TCP port from the network but URL is not working. It will be very helpful if anyone can help me to fix this. Servicedesk Plus URL: https://<domainname> Analytics Plus URL: https://<domainname>:8443 With Regards Atul Aggarwal
Manage Sharing
Hi, How to share the database to another user? In the settings there is no possibility. We are using the trial version. Thanks.
3 questions
Hello, I have three questions regarding Analytics plus: 1. How can i add a SSL certificate to Analytics plus? I can't seem to find a tutorial. 2. Would you advise to install Analytics Plus on the same server as ServiceDesk plus, since it uses port 8443? Or would it be better to use a seperate machine and use port 443 (is there a guide on how to change default port?) 3. We are currently not using a domain for the Analytics server. This is causing issues for external website use, because the page
Can't create query table with Project, Problem, Change, Asset
Dear Team, Great! I pleasure in using Analytics Plus when I use and integrate beetwen Servicedesk Plus and Analytics. I am writing Query Table such as Project, Problem, Change, and Asset but I do not find it in Data Model of Analytics Plus. You have experience this one Please share and give me your advise Thanks
Feedback and Question to UploadFromDB.bat
Hi, just a quick feedback and one question. 1.) the first step guide in german language refers to Zoho Reports. 2.) i am not able to setup the mail configuration. clicking on save (speichern) resets all data. clicking on reset does nothing (even not clearing the fields), clicking on Test does also nothing 3.) every other configuration option on the settings page is greyed out. Synchronisation with a SQL-Database In this thread
Migration to another server or reinstalling
Hi, What directories should save before reinstalling application? For example, when transfer to another virtual server. To save all changes after the transfer application (custom dashboard, reports). Thanks.
Auto-update page \ Database synchronization \ Сlickable link to request
Hi, Do you plan to make the auto-update page dashboards? It is possible to synchronize more frequently than once per hour? For example, if we make a dashboard for monitoring, we have to get the actual data more often. Perhaps to make clickable links the request to be forwarded to the SDP? Thanks.
Installaiton problem
Hi all, I have installed both free edition and demo versions of the software apparently with no problem. However, everytime I try to start the program the following message appear whatever browser I use (Google, Mozilla, Explorer) "Please wait while the server starts. The login page will launch shortly" Please help
How do I calculate licenses for Analytics Plus?
There is 4 of us that will be using this software. Will each of us need a login account?
How to convert millisecond date format to human readable date format?
Time stamps are usually stored in millisecond format in SQL databases. Once the SQL data is synchronised with Analytics Plus, this millisecond date format can be easily converted to human readable date format. This video explains how.
Analytics Plus Free Edition
Do you have a free edition? Please let me know if you can share a copy.
Maximum Concurrent User Tickets Limit Exceeded
Please help!
Internet Explorer (11) Cannot log in. But Chrome can
When I try to log in using IE11 it just displays the login page again. Using Chrome I can log in fine. Any suggestions?
Analytics Installation
Can I install analytics plus on the same server along with servicedesk plus?
No on premise option
I don't seem to find an option to integrate the on premise version of zoho reports with my servicedesk plus. I only see the cloud option. Plesae help!
A quick walk-through of the Analytics Plus user interface
This video should help new users get familiarized with the Analytics Plus UI Click here to know more about Analytics Plus
Analytics Plus user interface lockout due to maximum concurrent sessions
Analytics Plus doesn't allow concurrent login sessions. A warning is displayed when there is more than one concurrent session per user account. It is recommended to clear the sessions in order to access the user interface again. The following Gif illustrates the action to be taken.
Creating summary and pivot views using Analytics Plus
Click here to know more about Analytics Plus.
How to import data and perform an auto-analysis using Analytics Plus
Click here to know more about Analytics Plus
How to create charts with Analytics Plus
Click here to know more about Analytics Plus.
How to integrate ServiceDesk Plus with ManageEngine Analytics Plus
Click here to know more about Analytics Plus
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