Filter by Support Group
Hi Guys In Service Desk Plus, we have two separate Support Groups set up for a particular site. Is it possible to create reports that are filtered by these Support Groups as Analytics is not pulling the data from one of these groups. Thanks in advance, Joshua.
Missing field in Analytics Plus
Hi I need to create running 12 month reports that show billable support hours per month filtered by client. We are getting the data from ServiceDesk Plus MSP. All the data is in the Worklog. I need to be able to filter the report by the Worklog Type field. This will enable me to display only billable hours. Problem is the Worklog Type field is not available even though it is a system created field. How do I access that field? One of the reasons we purchased Analytics Plus is to share this type of
Use additionnal requester fields in Analytics Reports
Hello ! In ServiceDeskPlus, I added an additionnal user field "Company" to import that attribute from activedirectory. This field is displayed properly in servicedesk's requests. However, in Analytics, i'm looking to do some report based on the company (ie : Number of requests split by Companies) Sadly this additionnal field isn't in the "Request" table, there is only Requester and its Department. Is there a way to add a new column in that table, and be able to build a report with this value? Best
Projects Data
I'm looking for data in Analytics Plus for tasks and worklogs created in the Projects module of Servicedesk Plus. Anyone have a solution?
NYC user conference - 12th and 13th of September
Join our NYC User Conference this September 12th and 13th! This two-day event focuses on sessions to help you get the most out of your ManageEngine software, dive deep into our various products, and learn about feature updates, best practices, trends,
Edit Custom Data Source Query
I currently have a custom query being used as a data Source successfully. It pulls FCR data from SDP. Where and how the bloody hell can I edit that query in case I need to change a year parameter or something?? I can see the Data Source, I can edit the connection, I can refresh the data source, where can I see and/or edit the query I am using? Thanks David
[Upcoming Webinar] Manage your change better with advanced analytics
If you are having trouble managing changes in your service desk or frustrated doing damage control because of unplanned changes, you need a plan, and fast. Join us for a webinar on the 17th of this month and learn how analytics can help you build a robust change management strategy. In this webinar, you'll learn how analytics can help you Plan your changes ahead of time, and improve service delivery. Manage emergency changes with ease. Correlate technician workload with volume of incoming change
[Solved] : Analytics Plus Connects but does not import data from application manager
Analytics Plus Connects but does not import data from application manager i even tried manually retryin but it keeps throwing Initial Fetch Failure with no discription why regards serak
ServiceDesk Change calendar as dashboard
Can have a dashboard view of ServiceDesk 'Change calendar' view with Analytics Plus?
Analytics Plus - SHA-2 SSL Certificate with SAN (Subject Alternative Name)
Hello Few days ago i needed SSL Certificate with SAN Tryied few conbinations, and found this: Create keystore file keytool -genkey -alias <your alias> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -keystore server.keystore -ext san=dns:<your alias> If you use your own password other than the default [that is, 'accounts' in this case] then, you need to update the [own] password in the following files: ../conf/server.xm; ../accounts/conf/server.xml ../reports/conf/server.xml Create CSR file keytool
[Feature released]: Is there a First Call Resolution (FCR) report
I'm trying to report on how many calls are marked as an FCR, but I cant find the field or table in analytics, can anyone help please?
Tip of the week: Choosing fields in the column picker
Building reports or charts would be a lot simpler if you had advanced search options for easy navigation. ManageEngine Analytics Plus offers a combination of searching, sorting, and filtering options to help you quickly find the fields you’re looking for. In the report editor screen, there are four options in the column picker section that help you conveniently pick fields of your choice, without having to scroll down the entire list. Collapse all/Expand all: Filter through tables from assorted
Analytics on change management
I have analytics integration with servicedesk plus. How do I get the analytics on change management module?
IT Analytics sync issue
Please find the below issue that we are facing once we try to sync to IT Analytics FAILURE :Not able to get ATKey from Server. Please find the root cause referring the logs under SDP_HOME\server\default\log or contact our support to resolve the problem. Please report the problem to the system administrator. Support file will have the error trace to analyze the problem and which can be created at Support -> Create Support File.
couldn't connect to host,port, 587;timeout 60000
How do I solve this problem with mail When I run the send test the mail is not sent and it shows me this error Could not connect to host, port, 587; timeout 60000
Error on Sync for Analytics Pluss
We recently upgraded the Service Desk. At that time the password was missing for Analytics. That was put back and the system was asked to sync. Now have had another complaint on no new data and I see the error above. FAILURE :We are sorry to inform you that data Synchronization is failed. Data have not been completely synchronized in ManageEngine Analytics Plus due to an unknown error. Please find the root cause referring the logs under SDP_HOME\zreports\uploadtool\logs Please report the problem
How is the Time Elapsed calculated?
There is a calculated field called Time Elapsed. How is this calculated? Thanks!
What's new in Analytics Plus - Release announcement
Hello! We are elated to announce that the latest release of Analytics Plus( version 3140) has some power-packed features, to make your analytics journey smoother. 1. Get out-of-the box analytics for change management module in ServiceDesk Plus Our most
Do you know your incoming request velocity?
If there was an award for the most common help desk related questions asked, it would go to one of these- "Hey man, how many requests do we usually get on a daily basis?" "The helpdesk guys look very busy. Are we getting a lot of requests lately?" "There are so many unpicked requests in the queue. Do we need more people?" Ironically, this is the most probable answer you would get to all these questions - "Umm... I don't know.. I think so.. Let me find out" I can help you give a concrete answer. A
Widgets still not resizing
This is what the widgets look like when you resize the page. All the other charts resize fairly but this has been an ongoing issue for a while. Any news on this being address and/or fixed? Thanks David
How to change default admin password of Analytics Plus.
Hello, I have installed Analytics Plus, and cannot find the place were I can change the default password of the user "admin" which is "admin". Regards,
Age tier for closed requests
I've tried a few combinations of fields for a report that provides how long it takes for a technician to close requests broken out by some kind of threshold. For example it would provide that John Doe has closed 100 requests under 20 days, 150 under 45 days, 30 requests under 60 days, and the 10 requests went over 60 days. This is pretty close to using the age tier function but that doesn't seem to work as the age tier is relative to the current date, not the create and then close date for the
Calculating the average number of requests per user per department
Any enterprise's service desk handles requests that are raised from different departments. Based on the number of requests lodged, you can determine which department needs more attention or rather needs more technicians handling their requests. Creating a report based on average number of requests per user, based on each department will answer this. Here's a video explaining how you can create this report.
Tip of the week: How to split the company/domain name from the email address?
We had a customer ask us this question. He has a bunch of requests along with the user details such as first name, last name and email address. He wanted a report showing the number of requests raised by each user. Seemed pretty forward. Since the email address field is unique for every user, all we had to do was drop the Email address field in the X axis and the request count on the Y axis and voila! Now, he wanted to know the number of requests raised by each organization to which these users
Widget for Open Requests
I'm having trouble with creating a widget showing the total number of open requests as compared to yesterday. Any help with how to create it is appreciated. Thank you.
How do you create a report based on important keywords?
A simple way to spot areas that generate the highest volume of trouble tickets is by running a category based report. However this holds good if all your tickets are being categorized correctly by your technicians or by your end users. I've noticed in my experience that most companies that let end users raise requests via email, don't put in the effort to categorize requests. In such cases, the only way to find the context of the ticket is to rely on the subject line. Going through the email subject
Graph on Incidents per Priorities
Hi All I was wondering if I could have a bit of assistance creating a graph on created and resolved incidents by month by priority. The Y-Axis to contain a numerical count of requests. The X-Axis to contain each month. Separate lines charting the number of open requests, one for each priority by month. The same with closed requests by priority per month totally 10 individual lines. Please advise whether this is possible or something similar to be generated. Thanks in advance,
How can analytics help you with continuous service improvement?
Continual service improvement (CSI) is at the crux of IT service management. CSI aims to continually improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of services, and processes. Broken down in simple English, CSI is comparing your current efficiency levels with your past performance and making sure you see an improvement. How can analytics help you do that? Let's say you want to find out areas that your technicians lack expertise. No matter how good your technicians are trained, there are going to be
Unable to apply SSL certificate
I tried to apply a *.pem certificate that was provided by Entrust and once installed successfully and the server.xml file modified as follows, I am unable to access the application. In server xml I performed the following configuration: Connector port="8443" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true" acceptCount="100" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLSv1+TLSv1.1+TLSv1.2"
How do I exclude deleted requests from my servicedesk reports?
I see that my reports include deleted requests also. How do I remove them from it?
So many tickets to close, but so little time. Where do I start?
With piles of tickets flooding their system by the hour, a service desk technician's efficiency is determined by how quickly they manage to close the impending tickets in their name. A tough job, even for Superman. But you don't need super powers to solve this. Using a simple report, a technician can decide which ticket to take up first.All they need to do is to create a report to view the incoming ticket trend and categorize it, based on business impact. Knowing which tickets have a higher bearing
Reporting on archived requests
We have data archiving configured for 2years in SD+ and would like to be able to report on these tickets. Are we able to import the archived requests in analytics to perform year over year trending? SD 9302 Enterprise MS SQL ------------------------- Ottawa - Canada
Default username and password is not working in Analytics Plus
I'm unable to login to Analytics Plus using the default username and password displayed.
Tech Ramblings: How to avoid an upgrade failure?
You see a new version of Analytics Plus released and you are all excited to upgrade your installation. Maybe it has a new feature that you were looking forward to or you are like me, who is super OCD and the thought of not being on the latest version bothers you when you go to bed. Either way, you put your red cape on, plan for a downtime of 30 minutes, send out emails to everyone and begin your upgrade. BOOM! (the sound of reality), the upgrade fails and you have a mysterious error on your screen.
Are you paying attention to your customers' woes?
Imagine a situation where you are booking tickets and have submitted your payment details, while waiting for the confirmation message. But all of a sudden, a webpage error occurs and you have been charged for the tickets, although you haven't received any booking confirmation. You call customer service to express your annoyance, but to your frustration, you are put on hold. You send them emails, but there is no answer. Annoying, isn't it? Owing to the unpleasant experience, you might decide never
How to set passwords for new users?
When I share reports with users, I enter their email address but how do I set passwords for them?
View underlying data error
I have our main dashboard. it's customized but is built on an out of the box one using out of the box reports. As of about 2 days ago, the ability to VIEW UNDERLYING DATA fails and gives the below error. I also manually pull over 2 tables from SDP and have reports tied to them in the same dashboard. They still function and the underlying data shows normally. I sent in the support logs yesterday on the same issues. Please advise.
Tip of the week: Setting thresholds on charts
Most KPIs have thresholds. A globally accepted limit within which the respective KPI value is considered to be under control. Some examples are resolution time SLAs, first response SLAs, server CPU utilization thresholds, traffic volume thresholds etc. Different types of notifications are triggered by your applications when these thresholds are breached, however, you don't see these thresholds in your reports. Using the threshold feature in Analytics Plus, you can visually find out how compliant
How to calculate throughput?
Hi folks, Sorry for this noob question, but we'd like to simply see the number of tickets that came into our support groups (tickets handled by a group) in a given time period (Ex. Last month). We have four SDP Support Groups. For simplicity, Support Group 1, Support Group 2, Support Group 3, Support Group 4. In our structure, the numbers represent a tier. A ticket will come in to group 1 and either be resolved or escalated to group 2. Similarly, it will be resolved or escalated to Group 3, and finally
Decimal places on Text values
Is there a way to limit the number decimal places displayed for values generated for 'Text' on a graph? There is a way on graph settings on the Axis tab but I don't see how to do it for the values generated for the Text fields.
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