IT analytics in 90 seconds Ticket burn rate
Do you know your help desk burn rate? Watch this video to learn why it’s important and how to track ticket burn rate using analytics. Click the download button below to get started with a free 30-day trial of Analytics Plus. To download ServiceDesk Plus on-premises, click here.
Release announcement: Build 3800
Hello everyone! We're happy to announce the release of our latest build 3800 that comes with a whole lot of features. Data Protection and GDPR compliance Analytics Plus rolls out its next phase of updates in compliance with GDPR. With this update, columns marked as 'personal data' will be excluded during export operations. Users can opt to include these columns manually using the column picker. Click here to learn more. Enhancements in dashboard user filters Dashboard user filters will now be
Mix, match, and mash-up: Become a data DJ with Analytics Plus
When you decide to build complex reports that involve data from different departments (example- an ROI report involving sales and marketing), you would quickly realize that you have to get the data you need from different tables, and blend it together to get the metrics you need to see - sort of like a DJ blending together different songs with similar key notes to product one fantastic track. With Analytics Plus, you have a couple of options to combine data from two or more tables within a given
IT analytics in 90 seconds: Request reopens
IT analytics in 90 seconds: Request reopen rate is one of the most overlooked metrics. Learn why it’s important to keep track of it.
Measuring help desk technicians' productivity doesn't have to be complex
It's no secret that technicians are the pillars of any successful help desk. Which is why it's important for the help desk manager to periodically monitor each technician's productivity. Measuring productivity doesn't mean you have to walk past your technician's workplace every few minutes to check if he/she is working on something productive. A simple report comparing the tickets assigned and tickets resolved by each technician can give you a clear picture. To illustrate why you need to track this
How to create report to determine average resolution time for specific Companies?
Hello, I'm looking for some reports on SLAs. Specifically I'm looking for metrics on the resolution SLAs to determine average time to ticket resolution for specific customers. How do I create this report?
Ticket reopen rate: The metric that you're probably not tracking
Reopened tickets are a matter of serious concern for help desk managers because it can mess up technicians' current work schedule and put them under additional pressure. They also negatively impact daily resolution target and pose serious threats to SLA compliance. Which is why it's important for help desk staff to closely monitor reopened tickets and keep the numbers in check. However, looking at the number of reopened tickets alone will not give you the full picture. To understand the true scale
IT analytics in 90 seconds: Request age tier
Are you still relying on request resolution averages? Watch this video to see how request age tiers can give you a better sense of resolution times using Analytics Plus.
Merging data from 2 columns.
How do I merge data from 2 different columns within a table, thereby creating a new column within a table?
Calculate difference between two columns into a separate table
Hi team, I need to calculate the difference between 2 tables and create a 3rd table to show the difference. Eg: Screen shot attached for the tables I want to calculate. Thanks.
How do I pull a report of active incidents every week?
I need to pull a report showing active incidents every week. How do I do that?
Of math and magic: Create custom metrics to get deeper insights into your IT data
Help desk managers are often tasked with gathering vast amounts of data to create metric-specific reports or dashboards such as average cost per ticket, service groups with maximum backlogs, areas with highest customer satisfaction, percentage of requests resolved within SLAs, most valuable technicians etc., Sometimes, the metric or KPI you need isn't readily available in your application. You need to either compute data from the raw data you get from your applications, or combine data from different sources and
How To Filter a report by Text String
Hi I have an SLA trend report. One of our customers has asked to see this report for every ticket that contains the word "Urgent" in the subject. How can I do this?
Need help creating a formula column
Hi I need to create a formula column called Billable Type. I want all tickets where the Request Type field = Service Request to be marked as billable. All others are to be marked as Non-Billable. thanks
Data analytic by using manage engine in premises instance
Hi I am new to zoho environment my company has mandated me to work on zoho analytic tools for generated the analysis. I have in house developed software which runs on mysql database. my requirement is to build the analytic by using this mysql database. I am planning to use the in premises instance of manageengine analytic. but once the POC is completed I will be move it to cloud. so my query is as below. 1) If I develop the data analytic by using the in premises instance and later will i be
ManageEngine user conference, London. (September 18-19, 2018)
We're happy to announce we're having our next ManageEngine user conference in London. Dates: September 18 and 19, 2018. Register now. What's in store for you? Get an exclusive sneak peak of the latest products, product features, and attend live demos to understand how the product works. Talk to our experts; tell us how you're using our products, and share your feedback on how we can help make IT better. Connect with peers and find out how top enterprises manage their IT through our real-world
Introducing 1-on-1 expert sessions to help you build custom reports
Got a question about building custom reports from your data? Struggling with authoring aggregate formulas to get specific KPIs? Or, wondering how to modify a pre-built report to help you look at specific metrics? Here's your chance to talk to our experts, and get all your report-related questions answered. Excited? So are we! Pick a date and a time slot suited to your region, and we'd be happy to help you. Sign up here. Please note that our experts will be available for 5 days a week, except on
[Free e-book] Proven performance hacks to get the most out of Analytics Plus
Hey there! We're happy to announce that we've put together an e-book with a whole bunch of hacks that can help you get the best out of Analytics Plus. This e-book includes nifty hacks to turbo boost the complete reporting cycle, from importing data, scheduling imports, to building and sharing reports with your team. Click here to view/download this e-book.
Suggestion for break-down reports
Hi folks, I have some nice reports and dashboards for rolling up and showing metrics across our sites (think of our sites as different companies or divisions), but now I'd like to provide reporting to the heads of those sites (we have 32 sites). What's the best way to go about this? Each site essentially needs the same reports as our roll-up but with a filter specific to that site. The division heads should be able to see their sites but no others. Thanks, Adam
Auto-refresh reports/dashboards
Hi, I want to know how to set up automatic refresh for reports and dashboards created using Analytics Plus. Thanks
Release announcement: Build 3700
Hey there! We're happy to announce the release of our latest build 3700 that comes with whole range of features such as new variants of map charts, customizations for widgets and charts, and GDP compliance and data protection. 1. Data protection and GDPR compliance With this release, we roll out our first phase of updates to make Analytics Plus GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant. You now have options to ensure data safety, especially during sharing and collaboration. 2. Password
Ticket burn rate and the art of help desk planning
Ticket burn rate is the percentage of tickets resolved as compared to the total incoming tickets for a given month. You can tweak this report to give you weekly stats as well. There are a variety of situations where the burn rate report is helpful. One such scenario is when you have to make staffing decisions. A burn rate of above 80% shows that your technicians are able to resolve most of the requests within the same month. Anything below 80% is an indicator that your helpdesk may need more hands.
Apply the "Divide and Conquer" strategy to deal with ticket backlogs
Before we get started with our report, let's quickly skim through the basics. Ticket backlogs refer to tickets that remain unresolved even after a said period of time. These tickets usually include unassigned tickets, tickets unresolved after the first response, or tickets that are assigned but haven't been resolved by the technicians due to a number of reasons such as overflowing ticket volumes, dependencies, or other complexities that require extra time. An effective way to stay on top of ticket
Unable to remove DataSource
We are currently syncing OpManager to Analytics plus and need to cancel the sync without losing the existing data. I am trying to remove the data source but throws an error whenever i try and remove it. Please see attached. Is there another way to cancel the sync? Many thanks in advance for any help.
How to apply targets to charts?
Hi team, I need to set targets for SLAs. I have a chart that shows the observed SLA for each priority. I want to set target lines for each of these priorities. Thanks
Report Creation Help needed
HI I am trying to create a simple report. It should be in a grid. I need to report on certain Service requests from our service Catalog. Most of the fields I need are in the Request table. There are also some additional custom fields in a table called SR User Management Custom fields. What is the best way to accomplish this? I tried creating a simple Pivot report. As soon as I add a field from the Custom Fields table I get very few results. To be clear I simply want a grid that will also allow for
[Webinar recording] In case you missed our latest webinar on May 23rd, 2018
Here is the recording of the latest Analytics Plus webinar on the topic - "5 essential revenue metrics that MSPs should be tracking"
What is the best way to get the number of incident and service requests escalated?
Hello, What is the best way to get the number of incident and service requests escalated. Any ideas are welcome.
Release announcement: Build 3600
Hello folks! We're happy to announce the release of Analytics Plus version 3600. This release comes with a whole host of new features. 1. Introducing a unified data sources page to manage all your data imports The Data Sources page enables users to view and manage all data sources within the same reporting database from a single location. You can view details such as data source, table name, last imported time, and next import schedule. A Sync Now option lets you synchronize the data source on
[Upcoming webinar] 5 essential revenue metrics MSPs can track using analytics
We'd like to invite you to join our free webinar where you'll learn about five crucial revenue metrics that can help managed services providers (MSPs) ensure their business remains profitable. We'll discuss how MSPs can use analytics to: Ensure a steady flow of revenue. Diversify revenue by reducing dependencies on a small group of customers. Track profitability of individual support groups. Measure deviation from their expected revenue. Register now. Date: May 23, 2018 Time: 2pm AEST | 10am
The balancing act: Technicians vs Tickets
When it comes to the help desk, we can and often do, measure all kinds of metrics. But one question that always lingers is: Do I have enough technicians to handle all my requests? or, do I have too many technicians? There are a wide range of reports that can help you understand the ratio of tickets vs technicians, and verify the balance between the two. 1. Ticket volume vs number of active technicians Looking at the distribution of technicians and tickets by month, will give you a good idea of the
How to exclude reports from dashboard filters?
Hi team, I'm fairly new to Analytics Plus. I've been using the tool to create reports and dashboards for a couple of months now. My question is, is there a way to exclude specific reports from the filters applied to the entire dashboard?
Custom SD + Zoho Report on Requests and Changes
Hello, Could someone help me on create a Zoho Reports based on SD+ data. I've created a new custom reports (tabular view) that include some attribute on our changes, I've also create an another custom report based on "Request and associated changes". I need to merge both reports in one single reports. How I can do that? Thanks in advance for your help Best Regards Flavio
Export reports/dashboards between databases
We had a sync issue and ended up removing the sync between SD+ and the cloud version. We created a duplicate of the old database to retain the custom reports and dashboards. Question: Is it possible to export a report or dashboard from one cloud database to another? and how do we prevent these data syncs in the future? This has now happened twice in the 4 years we've had the service. Each time the only action and support we receive is to do a complete removal of the sync. Needless to say, it's a
Use analytics to keep premature ticket closure in check
A common complaint from end-users is that technicians, sometimes, prematurely close tickets without fully resolving them. The underlying reason could vary depending on the business scenario. Some of the common reasons are — Unexpected surge in number of incoming tickets, or technicians handling requests without fully understanding the end-user's issue. Premature closing of tickets has serious implications for the help desk; it could escalate costs, decrease productivity and in the long run, make
Introducing concurrent viewer licenses
We are happy to announce we're revamping our licensing approach to introduce concurrent sessions. As you may already know, the licensing model is based on two components 1. Users (mandatory) : Anyone who can create reports and dashboards, 2. Dashboard viewers (optional): Anyone who needs to simply view published reports/dashboards Now the viewer licenses will be based on the number of concurrent users. Owing to this functionality change, this licensing component will now be known as 'concurrent viewers'.
Unable to sync - SD+ to Zoho Reports
We've been unable to sync since the 5th -- status remains in 'Sync in Progress'. Is there a way to stop and then restart the sync? Also our license expired on the 9th and was renewed; however the status still indicates April 9th: SD 9302 Enterprise MS SQL ------------------------- Ottawa - Canada
ManageEngine user conference Australia (April 30 - May 1) (May 3 - May 4)
We are happy to announce that we're having our next ManageEngine user conference in Australia. Dates: Sydney - April 30 - May 1 Melbourne - May 3 - May 4 What's in store for you? Get an exclusive sneak peak into our latest products, product features and attend live demos to understand how the product works. Talk to our experts; tell us how you're using out products, and share your feedback on how we can help you make IT better. Connect with peers and find out how top enterprises manage their
Are you monitoring the average time taken to assign tickets in your help desk?
Monitoring the time taken to assign tickets is an important metric for any help desk because it can provide useful insights into areas that need immediate attention such as technician availability, their work schedules and even your ticket assignment model. Consider this example: If a ticket raised at 9am is resolved at 8pm, it means the ticket resolution time is 11 hours leading you believe your technicians aren't resolving tickets fast-enough. But if you look at the ticket assigned time, it can
Error - Invalid Date value
Hi guys, I'm trying to import my local database using a query, but I receive this error: [Line: 2 Field: 2] (Mar 15 2018 12:00AM) -ERROR: Invalid Date value The data found at the row 2 has invalid data for the given configuration This is my query: SELECT D1.ZP4_NUM, D1.ZP4_FUN, CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,D1.ZP4_DATAS),0) AS ZP4_DATAS, (CASE WHEN ZP4_DATAE='' THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,D1.ZP4_DATAE),0) END) AS ZP4_DATAE, D1.ZP4_HORAS, D1.ZP4_HORAE, D1.ZP4_KMINI, D1.ZP4_KMFIN,
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