[Solved] : How to view all permalinks
Hi, Is there a way to view all active permalinks for published reports/dashboards in Analytics Plus? Regards
Error update from 3450 - 4000
Hi, I I'm following the instructions for updating A+ from 3450-4000 (3450-3500-3600-3700-4000). Followed the migration steps for 3600 and everything went fine. Started the service after the installation and could login in to the application and run reports. But after installating 3700 the Analytics Service won't start and throws some errors in the log files (attached) Also tried ignoring that and continue the update process to 4000 but getting an error in the updatemanager aswell so i guess the 3700
Solving the mystery of help desk request reopens
Everyone loves a good mystery. There's just something irresistibly engaging in uncovering what's been concealed. However, when it comes to your help desk, mysteries can be nerve-racking. Take request reopens for example. Do you know why so many requests were reopened this month, or last month? Solving this mystery should be the primary focus for any help desk manager because too many request reopens means customers are not happy with your services, and unhappy customers are not good for business.
Issue synchronizing Analytics Plus with ServiceDesk
Hi, After the Build 9424 update of ServiceDesk, I can't reconnect the database with Analytics Plus. Things I've tried: - Remove synchronization completely from ServiceDesk/Analytics and reconfigure it from scratch. - Synchronize a smaller portion of data. - Fix ATKey Error Nothing has worked, I'm attaching the error message: Please your support. Thanks.
Tickets logged between specific times
Hey team, I'm looking to create a scheduled report that shows me the number of tickets logged between a specific time period, as in all tickets created between 9am and 5pm for the month. Can you give me the formula that would provide this?
[Webinar recording] Launching advanced analytics for ServiceDesk Plus' request history, projects, and solutions modules.
In case you missed our webinar, Launching advanced analytics for ServiceDesk Plus' request history, projects, and solutions modules, here's the recording of the session:
User defined ranges
Is there any way to create user defined ranges? for example, I wan't to clasify my data in the following ranges of days 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-180 180-720 +720 Regards
Cannot connect after installation
Hi all, after successfull installation (analytics plus server is up and running) I cannot connect even as localhost using the default port 8443. Please help Antonio
Tagging users in report comments.
Hey team, I just upgraded to Analytics Plus 4000 and tried the commenting option in reports. It would be great if I could tag people in the comments. Do you already have this feature or is it in your roadmap?
[ Release update] Release announcement: Build 4000
Hello folks! We're happy to roll out Analytics Plus build 4000 that comes power-packed with whole lot of features and updates. 1. Revamped home page UI The Analytics Plus home page has been completely revamped for easy navigation. - The main navigational elements are bigger and bolder. - The various workspace elements are organized into 'Reports', 'Dashboards', and 'Data' to give you easy access to your data. 2. Introducing report commenting With the new update, you can insert comments in your reports
Multiple filters in a dashboard.
Hello Analytics Plus support, In creating a dashboard, I often use filters from different tables. Is there an option to merge all the filters? For example, my 'Request' table has a 'Site' column that I need to use as filter, and 'Tasks' table also has a 'Site' column that I need to use as a filter. I can't figure out if there's a way I can combine all the site columns as a single filter.
[Free webinar] Launching advanced analytics for ServiceDesk Plus request history, projects, and solutions module.
Hello folks, We just released Analytics Plus version 3950 that offers out-of-the-reports for ServiceDesk Plus request history, projects, and knowledge base modules. In line with the new release, we've come up with a webinar to help you get familiar with these modules, and to demonstrate how each of these modules can help you better manage your help desk. During the session, we'll discuss how to, 1. Get an accurate view of request timelines, and spot actions that delay resolutions. 2. Better plan
Last Update Time report
Hi I need a report that shows the last time a technician performed any type of update to a ticket (tickets are in ServiceDesk Plus MSP). I would consider the ticket updated if any of the following occurred: 1) Field is updated/changed 2) Worklog entry created 3) Email sent outbound from the ticket The problem is that MSP only uses #1 above for last update time. Is there a way to create a report based upon true update of the ticket above? Can we also create a report that shows the tech has not responded
Scheduling reports to be sent on Wednesdays.
Hi, Please help me schedule reports to be automatically sent to my team on Wednesday.
weighted average
Is it possible to create a weighted average in an AP chart?
Understanding the impact of assignment time on your ticket resolution time.
Many factors contribute to help desk tickets not getting resolved within the SLA time frame. One of them is the time taken to assign tickets to technicians. Any delay in assignment time adds to the ticket resolution time. The best way to check the impact of delayed assignment on ticket resolution time is using reports that show the assignment time of tickets from various priorities. Since higher priority tickets have stringent SLAs, it is important to make sure these tickets are not spending too
[Webinar recording] 7 reports that will change the way you manage your help desk
In case you missed our webinar, 7 reports that can change the way you manage your help desk, here's a recording of the session.
Join us in Chicago for 2 days of training, and fun networking: ManageEngine User Conference 2018 is here!
We'd love to see you in Chicago for the ManageEngine User Conference and Training on the 25th and 26th of October. It's going to be two action-packed days designed to help you get more out of your ManageEngine experience - with a track completely dedicated to Analytics Plus. Click here to check out all the details. What's in store for you: Talk to our experts during 1:1 sessions, and get all your questions answered Watch live demos, learn what's new, and participate in hands-on training. Discover
IT analytics in 90 seconds: Why averages don't give you the full picture
A combination of average values and standard deviation helps you spot irregularities in help desk operations. Sign up for a personalized demo.
Do you know your helpdesk burn rate?
When you look past the helpdesk workflows, the complex system of SLAs, those custom forms and rules that you spent so much time building, the fundamental function of your helpdesk is to resolve or close incoming requests in the shortest time possible.
How to report all 'Open' tickets where the status has been changed to "Pending"/"Solved"?
Hi there, I'm looking for a way to identify tickets where the status was changed from 'Open' to 'Closed' or 'On hold'. Basically, what I need is to be able to look at the number of tickets 'handled' by our technicians, rather than the number of tickets 'resolved' every day. Thanks.
[Solved]: % of Requests within SLA and Analytics Calculations
Hi, I have a question regarding obtaining the SLA percentage: I'm currently using the "% of Requests within SLA" filter to obtain the monthly percentage of fulfilling SLA of our company, I never delved into how Analytics Plus obtained this percentage, until I reviewed the information in the complete table and found some inconsistencies: It's assumed that the SLA is measured by 2 concepts: Overdue Status: Resolution time expired (in our case 4 hours, which is the most important I assume). First Response
[Free webinar] 7 reports that will change the way you manage your help desk
Today's help desks generate so much data that without the right reports, it's impossible to get any useful insights from it. This is why we're offering a free webinar to discuss important help desk reports that are guaranteed to inspire and impact your management decisions. In this webinar, you'll get answers to key help desk questions, such as: What's impacting SLA resolution times? Why aren't customers satisfied? Why are technicians frequently rerouting tickets? Date: October 18, 2018 Time:
[Solved]: Worklog Type Reporting
I would like to run some reports against Worklog Type. I do not see this column listed in the Worklog, Request, or Change tables. Can guidance please be given on how to report on this field? Thank you.
A Few Issues
1) I have a user with a license who gets a message that his email address is not to register his email address. No one else gets this message. The message also says to check your yet confirmed and to check his email to confirm your registration. No email is ever sent. 2) Password Reset request - never sends an email to the user. yes I checked my spam folder. 3) Logon screen lists Username: admin | Password: admin. Don't think this is a great idea to show on the splash screen to all users. How to
Importing data from files and services into Analytics Plus
I've been using Analytics Plus for a few months now, and I have a significant problem in accessing my data. In our organization, we have a bunch of applications and databases from where we need to import data for analysis. We're looking at how we can pull data from all those systems and applications into one accessible location, and bring it into Analytics Plus for analysis.
IT analytics in 90 seconds: Technician leaderboard
Motivate your help desk technicians to perform better using the technician leaderboard in Analytics Plus. Click the button below to sign up for a personalized demo.
[Webinar recording] How to implement continual service improvement in your help desk - Part III - Service delivery
In case you missed the final part of the three-part webinar series on how to implementing CSI in your help desk, here's the recording. Recording of part I: https://goo.gl/CpRSBR Recording of part II: https://goo.gl/ukVxhh To download a free 30-day trial of Analytics Plus, click the button below.
IT analytics in 90 seconds: First response time
Learn why a quick first response to tickets is important and how you can efficiently track first response time using analytics. Download a free 30-day trial of Analytics Plus. To download ServiceDesk Plus on-premises, click here.
[Webinar recording] How to implement continual service improvement in your help desk - Part II - SLA compliance
Here’s a recording of the second part of the three-part webinar series on implementing continual service improvement in your help desk using analytics. To register for part III of this webinar series, click the button below. Click here to view part I of the webinar.
IT analytics in 90 seconds: Keyword cloud report
The keyword cloud report gives help desk managers a glimpse at areas that need their attentions. Click here to download a 30-day free trial of Analytics Plus. To download ServiceDesk Plus, click here.
[Webinar recording] How to implement continual service improvement in your help desk - Part I
In case you missed the first part of our three-part webinar series on implementing continual service improvement in your help desk, here's the recording. To register for parts 2 and 3 of this webinar series, click the button below.
Decoding pending help desk tickets using Analytics Plus
Tickets in any status other than 'closed' can be categorized as "pending". These include unassigned, on-hold, and open tickets that are being worked upon by technicians. Pending tickets are a little complex to understand because each help desk has its own way of categorizing them. A classic example is marking tickets as 'resolved' and not 'closed' after answering the customers' question. Some help desks follow this practice to ensure that the customer is completely satisfied with the technician's
How to create a report to search for keywords within the subject of a request
Hi team, Can you help me create a report that will search for key words within the subject of a request? For eg: Printer, laptop etc., Currently, I don't have such a report but would like to know the number of requests being generated for each keyword.
Massive Duplication of Filters (BUG)
Hi, Since we updated to the latest build 3800 (it's a fresh installation), I've been having a strange bug that for some reason causes massively duplicity of the filters that I add to a Report or Dashboard. For example, in this view I only added 2 filters ("SLA Breach" and "Request Pending Status"), but after saving it and adding it to a Dashboard the following happens: As you will see, more than 100 duplicate filters are automatically added to the report. This bug happens in all the views I make:
[Solved]: How to report on Resource Info area on a Service request
Hi I have created a Service Request in MSP that we will use for all our smoke tests during our maintenance windows. I have added four sections in the Resource Info section called Test 1 - 4. Each of these sections contain multiple tests to perform. These tests are listed as check boxes. How can I report on them? I do not see them listed in AP. One other issue I have (and this is an MSP issue) is that when I view one of these Smoke Tests records in MSP, it only shows the tests completed. If a test
[Free e-book] Five revenue metrics every MSP should track.
Being a service provider doesn't have to be juggling act—not when you know the right metrics to track. Download our free e-book to learn about the five key revenue metrics that can help you: Identify the most profitable revenue streams. Understand revenue distribution. Track the profitability of individual service groups. Make educated decisions about the future of your business. Click here to download the e-book.
[Upcoming webinar] How to implement continual service improvement in your help desk
As the needs of your customers evolve, it's important that your help desk evolves along with them. Otherwise, you risk becoming obsolete. Join us for our three-part webinar series to discover how to implement continual service improvement (CSI) in your organization in phases, starting with: Request resolution times. Learn how to visually compare past request resolution times with current resolution times; use analytics to identify and rectify key factors that drag down resolution times. Date: September
User Filters Not Applied to Scheduled Dashboard Reports
I have created a Dashboard and applied a user Filter to the Dashboard. If I save the Dashboard with the filter applied and email it the report is sent using the filter. If I then schedule that same report the filter is ignored. How do I schedule a Dashboard report so that the filter is included?
Volume of Requests doesn't fit with Analytics Plus and ServiceDesk
Hi, At the moment of taking out the monthly reports to measure our performance, I have run into the problem that in many cases Analytics Plus shows LESS requests than the report I get from ServiceDesk, this is not the first time it happens and I have also tried to import again the database, however the problem persists. It seems that Analytics can't bring "certain" requests from ServiceDesk, since it always adds fewer requests and I can't match the reports: For example (all are "CREATED" requests)
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