Automatically populate proxyAddresses attribute with email address
My company is in the process of deploying Cisco jabber as our corporate IM solution. I want to modify our User Creation Template to automatically populate the proxyAdddresses attribute with the new users email address, in the format of sip:user@domain. I've taken a look around but can't seem to find if this is possible or not.
Report problems in 6.2 XLSX when adding date attibute
Hi When creating a report in Admanager Plus with attributes containg dates I get the following error message: "Excel found unreadable content in Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook" When I recover, the message "Repaired Records: Cell information from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part" pops up. I get this error in "Recently created Users" for an example. Is this a known issue? Regards Thomas
Bulk user modification, is append supported?
Hi, I'm trying to bulk import csv to modify AD users' attributes, but I found the attributes overwritten. May I ask if there's an official way to choose to append the change on top of existing settings, cuz I want to persist the existing settings? Thanks.
When do you expect AD Manager Plus to work with Office365?
We are almost finished moving to Office365 and do not want to commit to something if we cannot use it in the Office 365 environment.
Can`t delete "Titles" and "Departments"
I can not delete the created value "Titles" and "Departments". Error - Removing Unsuccessfull. The values are currently in use! But the value is not used anywhere, I created it a few seconds ago. "Offices" and "Companies" - also can not remove the existing and new values. Super administrator rights, database MSSQL.
Feature Request - Copy Users
Feature Request The ability to create a new user based on an existing one. 90%+ of the users we create are copies of existing users. Being able to copy a profile and change the name/email address/etc would be largely beneficial. Michael L
copy user
Hello, i know about the template ... but often we use the 'copy' command in AD to create a user based on another .. is it possible in ADManager ? thank you Olivier
Copy an existing user
When staff leave and move, often in AD we just copy the person who has left. Can you do that in AdManage or can you only create from templates?
new user copy
Copy user Baronne Mouton
Copy User Account/ Copy Groups
Hi I am looking for the ability to copy user accounts, in the similar manner which can be done in AD, but i could not find that option. Also the ability to copy groups and paste them. There are users who belong to many groups and its a TASK adding them individually. We are trialing this product and the mentioned features are very important for us Thanks
Off-boarding process?
Hi, I am trying to "script" the off boarding. We need to disable accounts, reset passwords, move the accounts to a specific OU then purge all group memberships. I have poked around but couldn't really figure out how to do that, any help? Thanks!
ADManager Plus rolls out Build 6220 !!!
Version 6.2 Build 6220 (11/June/ 2014) Please find below the fixes and enhancements included in this build, New Features: Copy User: This feature allows you to copy the attributes/settings of any user account in your Active Directory and use the copied values to create a new: User account User creation template The advantage of this feature is, instead of copying a user account entirely, this feature also allows you to pick and choose only specific attributes like User Account Control (UAC) attributes,
Space in display name?
Anyone know how I add a space between attributes in namingAttributes. Tried just typing a space but it still put the name like fredbloggs and I want it to look like fred bloggs Thanks
"Member Of" no popup window
I'd like to request that the "Member Of" field in templates not open a popup window. Instead have it display what is in the popup window as the field itself. Seems unecessary to have it pop open a window with extra fields. Less clicking and it's small enough to fit in a group on the template.
New Naming Format
Hi, after searching through the forum posts I am unable to find the naming format I need for my corporate enterprise. If I have a user called "John Smith", then the username I will give him is "SmithJ". if "SmithJ" is not available then the next username I will give him is "SmithJo". If "SmithJo" is not available then ""SmithJoh" etc. I'm able to select the "Prevent Duplication" at domain level when editing the "Logon Name" field and can select a different naming format. But can only do this
Customization of Dashboard
Customization of Dashboard (with pre-configured or configurable reports) would be a very useful tool. Thx
Modify template is changing the username
We host several hundred companies, but one of the companies usernames have no standardization. They have a HelpDesk Technician account in ADM+ that is set to only see their OU container. I created a custom template to modify users however, when they go to Modify something like the phone number on a user account, it is changing their usernames to the one on the Template. I don't want the template to change it, I need it to leave the username the same obviously. I tried making it silent and even tried
NTFS Report
When i click on a server and choose a shared folder, i want to select a subfolder. But i get an empty window saying that tere are no subfolders. Any ideas?
ADManager Plus pgsql Files consuming diskspace
Hi, The pgsql database files for ADManager Plus seems to be consuming alot of our diskspace. Is there a way to convert to MSSQL? This way I can relocate data to another drive and run DB Maintanence. Look forward to your response soon Kind Regards Shyam - I.T Infrastructure Analyst
Users are not displayed in the second domain
Hi, I have two domains without trusts. In both domains I can create and modify users. But in the secondary domain I can’t find Users... For example, I click on “AD Delegation” -> “Help Desk Technicians”, than I select the second domain and click on “Browse”, the new Window is white, and no users are displayed. Another example, I click “Home” -> “Help Desk – Reset Password Console” and select the second domain over the dropdown “Domain”. Now I’m get the error “No data available for the specified
Does ADManger Plus work with Office 365?
My company is planning to migrate our mail from Exchange 2007 to Office 365. The current plan is to setup our own tenant and use ADFS and Dirsync between an on-prem Exchange 2013 environment (hybrid solution), our Windows 2008 R2 Active Directory and the Office 365 tenant space. Can ADManager Plus create accounts/mailboxes in Office 365? If not, what can we do to get ADM to work in this environment to create mailboxes?
OK Button missing
OK Button is missing from "Add OU" and all that sort of popup box, need emergency help, want to take some report by OU based.
Minimum permissions required on service account to delegate AD user account modification
Hi, We want to know what the minimum permissions/rights for a service account would be to allow technicians to modify AD user properties through ADManager Plus. Thanks.
ADManager Plus Fixes and Enhancements for Version 6.1 build 6100 to 6181
Version 6.1 Build 6181 (18/March/2014) Issue fixes: Issue in Deny Bulk Modification for unlock users is resolved. Problem while creating mailbox enabled users in exchange server 2003 environment has been addressed. Issue with select Template in user creation request page has been resolved. Long delay while creating users with mailbox and OCS configurations in bulk is reduced. Issue when adding technician who is having space in his name has been resolved. Issue while deleting certain department
ADManager Plus rolls out Build 6210 !!!
ADManager Plus rolls out Build 6210 Version 6.2 Build 6210 (19/May/ 2014) Please find below the fixes and enhancements included in this build, Enhancements: Option to customize columns at the time of report scheduling and sort the reports using specific columns included Support added for using Microsoft SQL server as a back end database server for ADManager Plus NTFS report enhanced to handle large volume of data at the time of exporting Fixes: Issue in deleting memberOf attribute from Group Modification
E-mail Manager Account Information on Account Creation
Our company is looking for a way for ADManager to e-mail the credentials for a new employee to the manager of that employee. Is this possible?
Home Directory user permission issue
When I create a new user from a template. I set the Home directory and add the user permission, so the new user can have Full Control to the folder that was just created. after the template runs. However, the user permission does not get added to the home directory, but the the group I specified in the permission options does. Anyone else have this issue?
ADManager Plus rolls out Build 6201 !!!
ADManager Plus rolls out Build 6201 !!! Version 6.2 Build 6201 (05/May/ 2014) Issue Fixes Issue in appearance of list of week days, at the time of report scheduling handled. Issue in full name containing special character, at the time of creating a home folder in single user creation, corrected. Issue in duplication of row at the time of exporting a report fixed.ADManager Plus Team Toll Free:+1888-720-9500 ADManager Plus - Active Directory Management & Reporting Software
New user creation alertings
It would be great if ADManager Plus could query the username and or email that is going to be created during a new user creation or through a template and alert the technician if the specific username or email already exist so that it can be modified before it's created. For bulk adds, it could load into a staging table to be able to check and alert. For a single user add, it could run the query before actually creating the account.
Does requesters require a Help Desk Technicians license?
When I try to create requesters under Workflow delegation I get this error: Error in Adding Technician, You have purchased 20 Help Desk Technicians. Please disable or delete the default helpdesk technicians(helpdesk and hrmanager) and add Technicians. Please contact for purchase of additional Help Desk Technicians. I have 14 Requesters including "ADManager Plus Admin" and 9 Technicians configured. I get the same error if I try to create a new Technician. Thanks.
Keeping office, Title and departments up to date.
Hi, I'm currently looking to use ad manager plus in my organisation. I may have come across something that may prevent us from using it. If we use your tool we would be looking to use it for AD user creation and automated bulk update of user attributes. We keep a central database of Title, office and departments feeding in from various other systems. It does not appear there is anyway to automated the population of the Title, office and departments information? We are a big organisation and would
Incomplete fields in XLS export format
I have an open call with support about this issue but wanted to see anyone else was experiencing this problem. I noticed after the latest update that whenever I export a report in an XLS format with a certain number of attributes selected that a number of spreadsheets fields are incomplete with information. This only happens with the XLS format. The information is complete with all other export formats. Unclear on the turnaround for this problem but this makes that export selection useless to
Group membership based on OU
Can ADManager Plus put a user in a group based on that users's location in an OU? Such as user is in Test OU and we create a rule to put them in the Test Group.
Numbers & Username
My company uses the following username format: 3 digit number then first initial lastname Example: 123jdoe How can I create a custom template to utilize this naming convention? Also is there a way to make that field a drop down box with the built in 3 digit numbers? Thanks
ADManager Plus, CSV file vaild value for terminal Session Attributes
Dear all, what is the vaild value of the following LDAP key? I have tried input anything there the value in Active Directory will reset to "Never". but I can use the "Modify Terminal Service" to change the session limit to what I want value. Please advise Thanks,
Host Headers
Hi, I've successfully installed ADManager but would like to bind it to a hostheader for external access. How do I go about doing this? Cheers Marc
En-Mass Template Change
Is there a way to change setting/s in all user creation templates at once? There have been several admins creating templates with different settings that we have since standardized on. E.G. All user creation templates should have check for duplicates enabled by default.
ADManager Plus is NOT affected by the Heartbleed bug.
ADManager Plus is NOT affected by the Heartbleed bug. By this time you would know that vital information like user credentials, which are protected by the encryption in SSL/TLS, are vulnerable to this bug which feeds off the flaw in OpenSSL framework. We do not use OpenSSL framework/libraries in our product. You can therefore rest assured that ADManager Plus is completely safe from the Heartbleed bug. Know more about the Heartbleed bug, the information/data that could be compromised and the steps
ADManager Plus rolls out Build 6200 !!!
Version 6.2 Build 6200 (14/April/ 2014) New Features: MS Office 365 Support Support added for provisioning of user accounts in Microsoft Office 365. Lync Management and Reporting You can now modify policies such as conferencing, archiving and telephony, associated with a specific Lync User. Option to enable, disable or delete a user from the Lync Server control panel included. Reports for Lync Enabled as well as LCS or OCS enabled users included. Reporting capabilities added for Lync disabled users.
Active Directory Backup and Restoring a Deleted User
Hello, I have a feature request that some of my customer asked from me. We want that ADManager Plus take the backup of the AD and restore a user account which is deleted accidently. Thank you for your considerations. Deniz
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