Notify Users Prior to Password Expiration and Notify Users Prior to Account Being Disabled
So I've looked through the forums, and I also took a look at some other products, and I think I probably no the answer to this question already, but I would just like some confirmation before I report back to upper management. We own ADManagerPlus, and we are looking for a way to notify/email users 2 weeks prior to their password expiration and to notify/email users 2 weeks prior to their account being disabled after 30 days of inactivity. There does not seem to be way to do this built into ADManagerPlus,
Bulk Custom Attribute creation
I would like to create custom attributes using AD Manager Plus. They all have the same data type and associated reports. I have currently got distribution groups that have "displayName" (this would be used for the new custom attribute Display Name) and "mailNickname" (to be used for custom attribute LDAP Name) Is there a way to import a CSV and bulk create custom attributes from the CSV or any other way? Thanks in advance.
Exchange Reports
Good Morning, We use the reports quite often, however, we are not able to find the right way to get a full mailbox permission report. We are able to see almost all other attributes, but we also would like to see mailbox permissions before applying any changes. Is this possible?? Thanks! T
Office 365 configuration in AD Manager Plus
Hi, Is it possible to configure Office 365 in AD Manager Plus only to be able to have reports, and not to create anything in the cloud? What account should I then use in the configuration page in AD Manager Plus for Office 365? I have installed Sign-In Assistance and the Azure Active Directory Module on the AD Manager Plus server. But when I try to test my account with the (Test Confiiguration) I got an error "Not abler to authenticate your credentials. Make sure that your user name is in the corret
AD Report To Show Users Who Are Local Administartors
Good Day All, How do i generate a report in AD Manager Plus which will show me all the users who are in the "Administrators" Group on their local machine?
Google Apps - Organization - Moving Users
This article references the ability to move users between OU's in Active Directory Will it also move the user between the respective Organization folders in Google Apps? In our case our Organization Names in Google Apps would match the Active Directory OU names. Thank you
Automation and Workflows to create DG's and shared mailboxes
I'm exploring the possibility that automation could help make our lives easier. Does anyone know if I can use automation / workflow functions so that the Helpdesk Technicians can make a 'Request' to create Distribution Groups and Shared Mailboxes? where the only data they need to input is the name of shared mailbox/distribution group and users who need to be members. thanks.
Change Account "Password Never Expires"
We have quite a few accounts with "Password Never Expires" checked. I'd like to uncheck those. Ideally I could set each OU to expire a week a part or two so everyone isn't getting prompted at the same time. Or prompt at next login. I can't seem to figure out how to change this setting either way in AD Manager. Can this be done? Thanks.
Change the display name/icon on browser tab
We have multiple ManageEngine products. They all say - ManageEngine - productname. How can I change the name?
ADmanager+ - Bulk user import
When doing a bulk user import via CSV are you not able to customize headers? in the Admin section for LDAP attributes you can add customized LDAP headers but when using the CSV import those created are not there - Am I am missing something? Or is this functionality not available at the present time -
Mixed Mode assembly build error in ADmanagerPLUS
Getting the following error, when trying to create account, within ADmanagerPLUS "Note: Error in creating mail enabled user. Error: Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information. Click here to troubleshoot., Office 365 user created successfully This user will be synchronized after DirSync is completed." The account will be created on our local AD, but the Office 365 account is created but
error updating to 6.3.6
updating from 6.3 to 6.3.6, but it keeps uninstalling here's a sample of the dialog box : at .java:944) at at 24) at Source) F:\ManageEngine\ADManager Plus\patchtemp\jarupdat e\org\apache\jsp\jsp\reports\filter
Reports for managers , object owners
Hi, How to create scheduled report for Managers of users or AD objects owners for cyclic review? Is the only way is creating independent reports for each manager or owner? Additionally i cannot find "copy scheduled report" or "save as" option. Regards WB
dashboard - exclude, include OUs
Hi, Please add possibility to include/exclude some OUs on dashboard view. We have less then 1000 users but more then 30000 corporate contacts imported from different domain. Now dashboard is useless if I see 30000 inactive and disabled users.
Scheduled Reports
Is there a way I can schedule a report for a specific user. The report list everyone, and I want to be able to schedule a report for only users in a particular department and schedule it to run and email the department manager.
HelpDesk Technition Setup - Error Code : 80070005 - Access Denied
I am setting up ADManager Plus for the first time. I have created a HelpDesk Tech and assigned the roles of Unlock Account and Reset Password. I login with the technicians account and attempt to unlock a users account. I get the following error - Error Code : 80070005 - Access Denied.
Home folder creation
Hello, I'm trying to configure ADManager to automatically create the HomeDirectory when we create a user. This is the result: Share: \\server.domain\user$\username Home folder: P: \\server.domain\user$\username This is what we want: Share: \\server.domain\user$\username Home folder: P: \\HOME We don't find how to fill a Home folder different than the share name as the solution do it in one box (see attached). Thanks for your help. Regards.
ManageEngine AD Manager Plus Won't Start
The ManageEngine ADManager Plus is not starting in our environment. It runs for a few seconds then stops with following error:- EventID: 7024 Source: Service Control Manager The ManageEngine ADManager Plus service terminated with the following service-specific error: %%4294967295 This seamed to occur since we tried to install as a service from batch file that came with install:- "C:\ManageEngine\ADManager Plus\bin\admanager.exe" ADSM.bat -i A restart of the server hasn't resolved. thanks
Simple Display Name attribute in Exchange Tab
Hi, I cant use turkish characters in "Simple Display Name" section for Exchange defination. Is there a solution?
ADManager after logon directed to /j_security_check page
When users try to logon to our ADManager instance they see the user logon webpage and enter credentials. They are then sent to a j_security_check page with the following messages. Unable to connect Sorry. The requested page could not be loaded. Some possible reasons could be: Direct access to the URL is restricted Accessing the product from multiple tabs We are running build 6351 now. We have a F5 load balancer in front of this Windows 2012 server so users can use our * ssl certificate
Hide "Forgot your password?"
Hello, Is it possible to hide/delete/modify the "Forgot your password" link at the login page? We don't want that our users mistake this option (admin oriented). Thanks. Regards.
Does AD Manager Plus recognize RODCs?
All; I have a read-only domain controller sitting in a DMZ. AD Manager Plus has the ability to "see" it, but isn't recognizing it as a domain controller. Has anyone seen this? Thanks. Rich
I would like to bulk change user titles for users
I would like to bulk change user titles. This is one attribute change only.
List of coming Features and Extensions?
Hello, is it possible for ManageEngine to show us a list of coming features, enhancements and wishes with priority? I asked for enhancement for clustered Exchange Servers some month ago, but always if i asked the support after some time, i got the answer it is planned for future versions.... Kind regards, Jörg
Dashboard stats are wrong
New install of AD Manager Plus, I login and the stats show things like 1639 users, 1601 of those inactive, which is clearly not right. It also shows I have 45 disabled users, even though there are over 400. I've checked to make sure the Domain Settings are correct, made sure I'm on the latest version of software, refreshed the dashboard, rebooted the server, etc. I don't feel like I'm going to get very useful data out of this tool if I can't count on the dashboard to be accurate. Anyone have
ADManager Plus - laggy
Hi there, We are looking to purchase ADManager Plus. However, there are a couple of teething issues we would like to iron out first. Seems the web interface is very laggy. Sometimes it's fast for small periods of time, then other times it takes quite some time to load a page. It's running as a service on Windows 2012 R2 VM with 2 vCPU and 4GB Mem. This server is also the DC. Have you come across this before? Are there any tweaks we can do? The VM isn't constraint for CPU or mem (and the disk is very
Helpdesk technicians management with scoping
Hello, We're trying to create an Helpdesk Manager which can create HelpDesk technicians with specific role. When we add the right in our HelpDesk Role the HelpDesk Manager see all HelpDesk Technicians (including ADManager Plus Admin). I want him to see/create only technicians with a specific role we chose. Is it possible to define a scope from a role? Many thanks. Regards.
Simple Display Name problem in template
i cant use turkish character in "simple display name". is there a solution?
Error deleting home folder while deleting User Object
Hello, While deleting a User Object in ADManager, the AD account and mailbox were successfully deleted. However, the home folder does not get deleted and comes up with an error message: 'Successfully Deleted the User.Unable to Delete the homeFolder - The system call level is not correct. - Error Code : 7c .Successfully deleted the user mailbox permanently.The associated user object also gets deleted in Active Directory' Note: Delete policy is setup to delete home folder and mailbox. Please advise.
Report Data Refresh Rate
I am running the report Mailbox Enabled Users. As I run it I find things that need updating/changing in AD (Departments, Titles etc.) I change those in AD. Click the "Sync" button under the AD Explorer but my report data never changes. I search for a user I know I changed in AD, I can pull up their profile in AD Manager and see the changes have been made. But the report information shows the old AD information (i.e their old title not the new one that shows in their AD info). How does AD Manager
Report Data Refresh Rate
I am attempting to run an exchange report and having difficulty having the data refresh. As I look at the report I find AD information that needs to be updated (title, department etc.). I am updating it in AD then go back in to AD Manager and can see that the changes have happened when I look at their profile. However when I run the Exchange report and bring in "Department" I still see the old information. I have tried to force the update through Domain settings and refresh but I cannot get the
Problem with Database restore after update to 6360
Hi, I have attempted to upgrade our installation from 6251 to 6360 today. I've followed the instructions: Stopped the service Backed up the database Also made a copy of the product folder Installed 6.3 Then installed 6360 These steps have all gone fine. However, once I attempt to restore the database, using restoreDB.bat, I get the following error: The backup file is not compatible with the current version of ADManager Plus. Any suggestions? Thanks, David
Printer Reports
Currently the "Printers Report" is not available to be scheduled. This would be a helpful report to schedule for once per month so that we can keep track of our network printers and their configuration. Could this report be made available to be scheduled in a future release?
ADManager Plus rolls out build 6360
Version 6.3 Build 6360 (March 2016) New Features: Delete users' remote home folders and roaming profiles: You can now easily delete the users' remote home folders or roaming profiles, or both, in bulk. Move or delete users' Terminal Services home folders and profile paths:This feature allows you to delete or move the Terminal Services home folders or profile paths for multiple users at once. Also, while moving the terminal services home folders or profile paths, you can choose to retain a copy of
Error Code 8007202f : Error in creating user, A constraint violation occurred
Trying to setup a new user using a template and get the following error: Error Code 8007202f : Error in creating user, A constraint violation occurred. Any suggestions? The only one I found so far has this same error but using a CSV. I'm only adding one test user
Timed User Locking
Hello Support team! Hope you are doing well. Can we lock a User for a specific period of time? For example, can we lock Employee1's account for 24 hours or from this date to that one? And after that 24 hours or period of time, his account gets unlocked automatically. Thank you in advance for your prompt reply. Regards, Ahmad
Lync Online User Hosting
Is it possible to select the federated Lync online server during the user creation process? Currently when a user is created I have to wait for DirSync then manually move them to being hosted on Lync Online. I'd very much like to automate this process.
Exchange 2013 mailbox delegation
Hi I´m missing the ability to give users Full Access permission in Admanager Plus. Anyone knows how to do that or can explain for me why it´s missing? Regards Roger
Default Calendar Permission
I have some problem. When I create a new Active Directory User with a Exchange account. I would like to change the default Calendar Permission. From "availability only" to "limited details". Is that possible todo in ADManager?
how get all computers serial numbers in ADManager Plus
how get all computers serial numbers in ADManager Plus computer reports. and i need to merge user report with computer report? it is possible?? Thanks
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