Archiving not decrease size in MS SQL DB
Hello! I need help. MSSQL DB increased to 80 GB. Archiving runs. Zip files are created on the disk. But the DB is not reduced. Continues to rise in size.
inconsistencies setting up FIM on member servers
Hi we have a group of 60+ member servers behind a firewall that I am setting up for FIM and for the most part it appears to work fine but I have some issues. I set up a test where I create a fake dll file on the server then delete it and then see if the data get into ADAudit. I would say this seems to work about 70% of the time. Every time I go to the server make sure "Force audit policy subcategory" is enabled, check SACL on desired folders to be monitored is applied, verify all desired advanced
All Shared Drives on the Network
I would like to run a report showing me all the workstations and servers on the network and what network drives each has. Is this possible and if so how can I go about doing that?
The RPC server is unavailable - Error Code:6ba
Some servers after removed, the ADAudit presented the following message / email: ADAudit Plus Error Error while collecting event log data from: SERVXXX Error Details: The RPC server is unavailable - Error Code: 6BA Common Error Codes and help Support like about this issue
Restarting the server and automatically running ADAudit
I have installed ADAudit as a service, although after restarting the server i can't get to the site. Scarcely starting manual START ADAudit PLUS allows to get an access to the website of ADAudit. However selection option Start ADAudit Plus automatically at windows startup doesn't work and after the restarting, application always is in condition like below or automatically start is turn off. What should i do to ADAudit will available automatically after the restarting?
Use-case 22: How To Monitor Administrative Group Modifications In Your
A crucial aspect of IT auditing is knowing which users have administrative privileges and manage them accordingly. Users who are a part of the Domain Admin group have UNRESTRICTED access to the entire Active Directory and its resources. If this access could fall into wrong hands, the user can ram other admin users, man-handle critical resources and bring the whole domain down. Picture courtesy: Microsoft TechNet Now how do we prevent this? ADAudit Plus has exclusive reports to monitor administrative
Use-case 21: How To Monitor Terminal Services In Your Active Directory And Gauge Disconnecting Sessions
Are you being challenged by dropping Terminal Services sessions? .. The best answer would be.. Audit them! Here are the top reasons why remote desktop services drop, 1. Faulty LAN cables. 2. NIC card failure. 3. No TS Keep Alives enabled or irregular
Use-case 20: How To Report On All Interactive Logons In A Workstation In Your Active Directory
Imagine a Business Process Outsourcing Unit, that has users working in shifts. All workstations are being used day in and day out by these users and no user has a definite workstation. They log on to random workstations based on availability. The interactive logon would fetch the user's profile information irrespective of the machine and loads their settings. In such scenarios, tracking user logon activity would be strenuous. An easy way to audit logon would be based on workstations. Through this,
Use-case 19: Do You Monitor Your Service Accounts In Your Active Directory
Service accounts are dedicated Active Directory accounts used to manage Windows Services. Based on the service account, the service has privileges over applications, resources and network access. A service account is created and added to a few administrative groups, following the principles of least privilege. (least privilege means giving the minimum or least of permission to the account. For example, an service that performs replication would not require access for installing softwares). A few
Issue with Filter comparisons in Custom reports
Just highlighting what we see as a major problem with the filtering logic in custom reports. Consider the following filters: or You would expect these filters to return the same data. In fact, the first filter will return no data. The reason is that if using MSSQL DB, the code does not handle the 'Equals' operator correctly resulting in a SQL query that returns no data. Again, this really should be caught during testing phases and appears to be in the product for some time resulting in hundreds of
Use-case 18: How To Detect And Manage Account Lockout Efficiently In Your Active Directory
Account Lockout is a necessary-evil provided by Microsoft. The purpose behind account lockout is to temporarily disable the user account in-case of a brute force attack. When the attacker tries a combination of passwords, the account disables for a period of 30 minutes over 10 bad password attempts(Microsoft default). Depending on the complexity, the assailant may take weeks, months, years to crack the credentials. This encourages the user to use complex passwords through their password policy. On
Export list of workstations
Is there a way to export out a list of the workstations that I am currently monitoring? Either through the gui somehow or possibly in the database? I want to be able to compare what I have in the application to active computer accounts in AD.
Auditing Folder Renames on NetApp File Servers
I have been testing what activities are collected against NetApp filers. It appears that folder renames are not collected out of the box. File renames are by the file audit action 'File Move (or) Rename - NetApp'. Is this by design?
Advanced GPO problem
Hello, We have ADAudit plus latest version installed on DC directly, and the OS is Windows server 2012 R2. The problem is that the advanced GPO report categories is not appears any report about changes that happened in the policies, exept for "Extended Attribute Changes for GPOs" report and "Group Policy Permission Changes"report. Appreciate your helps.
Folder Permissions reports Permissions Columns Emtpy
If I run the report 'Folder Permission Changes' it lists folders that apparently have had their permissions changed on my NetApp filers. However, the columns New Permission Original Permission Permission Modified Are all empty or display '-'. What use is this?
ManageEngine ADAudit Plus 5.0.0, Build Number: 4693, has been released.
Dear All, Greetings from ManageEngine ADAudit Plus! ADAudit Plus latest build 4693 supports Remote Desktop Gateway server audit. Using this feature, you can now audit active connections from Remote Desktop Services clients to internal network resources through an RD Gateway server. Few other enhancements and fixes have also been made to enrich your experience. With ADAudit Plus, enhance your Windows Server environment auditing: [ Active Directory, Workstation Logon / Logoff, File Servers, Member
Use-case 12: How To Trail All Management Actions Performed On An Employee Right From His Account Creation In The Active Directory
Facebook, not so long ago, came up with an amazing feature. Through the Facebook Timeline, can trail back in time to the day when you were born, the date when you created your account, your initial posts, etc. Now, imagine auditing your IT security to be as fun as any social networking gimmick. Yes, you heard me right! ADAudit Plus provides you a trail audit report on all actions performed on a specific employee right from the day, the account was created (Disclaimer: ADAudit can fetch data and
Use-case 10: How To Monitor Employees Logon Duration
One of the key factors to measure productivity of an employee, is to monitor the amount of time they invest at work. A simple way to calculate this, would be determining the period of time a user is logged on to his machine. ADAudit Plus provides reports on Logon duration that helps you in tracking availability, performance and also, detect security concerns. Step 1: Kindly go to Reports --> Local Logon-Logoff --> Logon Duration Choose the Domain, Period (time period) and Computer. Step 2: Kindly
Use-case 9: How to Gauge A Brute Force Attack In Your Organization
When an employee is unable to login due to "bad username/password", the user checks his username or password and attempts the logon activity again. But, let say a rogue employee is trying to login with different combinations in the username or password, just to gain entry into a resource. This activity is termed as brute force attack. Some measure that can be implemented to defend against brute force attacks are, Requiring users to have complex passwords Limiting the number of times a user can attempt
Use-case 8: How To Monitor Users Logon Activity On Multiple Computers
Monitoring user logon activity is a great way to obtain information on how many computers a user logs on to, over a period of time. This helps you to gauge the potential amount of resources, the user accesses, on those computers. ADAudit Plus comes handy with "Users logged into multiple computer" to provide reports on the where a user has logged in, how many time a user has logged in, etc., over a specified time period. Step 1: Kindly go to Reports --> User Logon Reports --> User logged into multiple
Logon failures count alert/report
I've only used the default reports so far, but wanted to generate an alert to email me when an event occurs, so I tried to create one but cannot see how to do it. The logon failure reports page often shows some users with a large number of login failures - typically using expired stored passwords. I'd like a report of any user with e.g. 1000 logon failures in an hour and have it emailed to me. How can I do this, or any other report/alert that users counts of events? thanks
ManageEngine - ADAudit database keep growing up - how do I reduce it - thanks
Hi, My ADAudit database keep growing up.How do I reduce it? This issue keep coming back again and again even though the ManageEninge technician did help to clean up. Is there any script that to setup auto clean up? Thanks, Damon
Windows Member Server Auditing - Web Files Monitoring on D: Drive
Hi, Question on ADAudit Plus -> Windows Member Server Auditing -> File Integrity Monitoring. I see it monitors system files for example under System32, Program Files, etc. On the product website "", I see it has a bullet point that states "Restricted data monitored for change: Personal Information | Financial Statements | Card Transaction Files" What does that bullet point mean exactly? Can I audit any folder on
Windows File Cluster - Exlude Share Sub-Folders
Hello: ADAudit Plus Build 4692 Feature: File Audit -> Windows File Cluster I can successfully use the Windows File Cluster wizard to add our cluster and shares. During Step 4 of the Wizard, it asks to select the Share to be included in auditing. For example, I want to include \Share1$ which I see and I can select, but I want to exclude certain sub folders. Is there any way to exclude certain sub folders, or manually type in a share name? I only see a checkbox list of share names I can select. I
Auditing Folder Creation on NetApp File Servers
I have been testing what activities are collected against NetApp filers. It appears that folder creation is not collected out of the box. Is this by design? Seems like the NetApp side is fine as there is an event 560 logged when a folder is created.
Hi, The archiving doesn’t work. I have two server, one for ADAudit Plus and one for MS SQL. The Archive Folder path (D:\Archive\ADAudit Plus) is on ADAudit Plus Server. When I save the configuration, ADAudit Plus say “Successfully Saved Settings”. When I start with “Run now”, I become the message “Archiving processed data is started”. But the Archive Folder remains empty. How I must configure the Archive Events? Thanks
Migrated ADAudit to new server
What are the steps for migrating ADAudit to a new server? Some of the manuals for the other ManageEngine products provide these steps, but I haven't found the steps for this product.
Install ADAudit Plus
Hi all, I have a problem and i want to exchange when install this product. I want to know effects of three option : 1. Shares will be added for auditing 2. Necessary audit permission (SACL) will be set on SelectedShares (optional) 3. Object Access policy will be enabled for the selected server via a GPO (optinal) If i choose 2 & 3, what will it action and effects with my system? Thanks and regards, Hieu
Build 4691 serious interface issues
We upgraded our ADaudit in our Test environment from 4685 to 4691. We saw the new logon screen after starting, but after logging in everything looked the same as the previous version (using Chrome 50). I was having some problems creating a Custom Report, so I opened the site in IE11, and suddenly the interface looks completely new. I went back to Chrome50 browser and the interface changed to the new version. My coworker, who is running the same versions of browser, is stuck in the old interface even
Exclude Service Account from specific IP or Computer
I think it's great that I can exclude known Service Accounts as they generally log a lot of unnecessary information. Would it be possible or good idea to have a feature where you can exclude a service account only from a specific IP address or computer? This way you can see if the account is being used outside of what system it was intended for.
Add back a graph after removing
Hello, How can I get back a graph in the home dashboard when it's removed? Are there also more types to choose beside the standard six graphs? Regards, Richard
All changes made by a particular user
Hi, Is there a way to create a report that lists all changes/access by a particular user? I want to see all AD user/group/gpo etc as well as file access and process creation/termination. Basically a search across all logs gathered from the entire organisation that has this particular user name present. Is it doable?
Historical Reporting from archived data
Good Afternoon, I need to run user login reports beyond our configured Archive Event setting (we've set it to 60 Days). Can you send me any instructions, info, guidance on how to run historical reports from archived data? Thanks!
removing workstations and member servers
Dumb question, I know. If we remove workstations and members servers from ADaudit plus, does it just remove it from ADaudit plus and not Active Directory? I have some reservations about selecting delete when dealing with software tied to active directory.
Probleme mit Automatischer Useranlage via OU Gruppe
Hallo, ich setze ADAudit Plus aktuell in eriner Trail Version ein. Zur Verwaltung des Tools habe ich eine OU-Gruppe als mögliche Technician an. Die User der Gruppe werden bei erstmaliger Anmeldung angelegt. Jedoch wird der User bei Entfernung aus der OU Gruppe nicht im ADAudit nicht gesperrt bzw hat keine Auswirkung. Ebenfalls auch eine Änderung des Passworts im DC zeigt keine Wirkung im Tool. Lediglich eine Deaktivierung des Users im DC zeigt eine Sperrung des Logins. Könnten Sie mir hier helfen?
Failed Attempt To Read File / False Positive
We have a large common file share between all of our departments, and many of the folders are locked down to specific users. What I have noticed is when a user runs a search for a file/folder on that share, it generates many false positives of "Failed attempts to read files", when in reality, it was the search query attempting to read the file, and not the user themselves. Is there a mechanism inside ADAP to remedy this? I do understand why it is occurring, but it makes it look like the user
Probleme mit Authentifizierung
Hallo, ich setzte ADAudit Plus in der aktuellen Version als TrailVersion ein. Ich habe eine OU Gruppe als Technicans hinzugefügt. Nach erstmaligem einloggen werden die User bei ADAudit angelegt. Jedoch besteht das Problem, das wenn ich die User aus der OU Gruppe entferne, dies keine Auswirkung auf deren Zugang bei ADAudit hat. Ebenfalls hat eine Passwortänderung am DC keine Auswirkung auf den Zugang. Lediglich eine Deaktivierung des Users zeigt Wirkung. Gibt es hier bereits eine Lösung. Vielen Dank.
Netapp Filer Auditing
Hi guys, I have a consult about the auditing of Netapp Filers. I have a customer who have configured an ADAudit on his environment auditing a NetApp Filer, the problem is that a few days ago a folder disappeared, when we go to see what was happened on the ADAudit we don't found any alarm or any registry about what happened to that folder. We did some test, creating, modifying and deleting folders and the test was successful for this types of events. But when we did a test moving a folder to an subfolder,
Real World Audit Examples: Product Weaknesses
Having just gone through a real world audit last year and trying to use this product to produce the reports the auditors required we found it severely lacking in several areas. See below for the main issues we faced: NTLM events were not even collected by the product until the last release of 2015. This was not documented anywhere and meant that reports were effectively useless for audit as you might be missing huge amounts of logon data. In response to community outcries this was eventually added.
Alert on Permission change for a particular folder
HR would like an alert generated anytime a permission change is made to their folders. The alert action will e-mail the HR director. I have figured out how to create an alert action to do that but not to confine it monitor only the one folder/share. Is there a way to apply an alert to on a particular folder or share?
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