SD and jabber client integration
Dear, Currently SD has only three notification methods: email, web and sms. While web requires the presence from technician whereas two others have been used only as alarms. The main problem is that these alarms are very often outdated, overloaded and totally annoyed. I discussed this problem with our technicians and was surprised that they just put 90% of email messages into mail trash. The integration SD with a jabber client could help avoid some of these problems. For example it will be possible
Query report to see associated additional fields
Hi, I need help with a query report that lists all incident and service additional fields and which templates they are used in. We are nearing the limit for additional fields and this would help determine witch ones we can remove. Thanks!
remove Administrator and Guest login details from login page
Hi, Please can you tell me how it is possible to remove the Guest and Administrator login details from the login page. Many thanks Russ
Question about building a test environment
Dear SDP, We are about to build a test environment, I wonder if we should clone the Prod app server (build 14200) and take a backup of the Prod PGSQL or build from scratch? What's the best practice? Any advice is welcome.
How to make Worklog Type mandatory?
Hi How can I make the worklog type mandatory for Technicians to all Templates(Request/Incidents) when entering the worklog?
Delete backup approver entries
HI, I would like to know if there is a way to delete the backup approvers entries if it has been wrongly entered. There is a bin icon next to it but it is disabled once we have our mouse on it.
Please use alias for UserAdditionalFields table Check logs for details.
I have a problem after upgrading to the latest version. I have a query that works perfectly from pgsql but in servicedesk it fails me. Can you help me ?? Please use alias for UserAdditionalFields table Check logs for details. SELECT to_char(to_timestamp((wo.CREATEDTIME)/1000),
Creating Trend Reports for Request Analysis
I currently run a monthly report that summarises request resolutions by each of our support groups during the previous calendar month. This works well, but now that we've had SD+ for some time, I would like to create a trend report to compare this information
Task Template Automation
I would like to know if I can generate a rule so if I add a task per template and that task has an empty group, it automatically inherits the group that has the change... It's possible ?
Update Help Card in Field and Form Rules
Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to create a custom script in my field and form rules to show information based on choices made in a request form. For example, we are building a template for creating a new email distribution list based on a standard
Approver for a change?
Hi, I am new to the Servicedesk Plus and I am configuring the change management workflow. I see there are two places that I can input an approver for a change. The first one is when I create a new change, I can add approver at the bottom of the submission
Hello, I'm trying to update from 14.6 Build 14600 to 14700 but I get this error: Exception in checking the postgres compatibility with operating system : INVALID_OPERATING_SYSTEM_ENTRY Refer the below link for more details.
Sophos detecting java.exe as ransomware
I strongly suspect this is a false positive, however, I thought I should mention that the instance of the java.exe file located in: %installdirectory%\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\jre\bin triggered a CryptoGuard event within Sophos. We're running 14.7 Build
Compatibility kubernetes
Good morning, Is ServiceDesk Plus compatible with kubernetes? Sincerely
Password reset link
Is there any way for us technicians, who has access SDAdmin group membership in Service Desk on-prem to change default 15 minutes expiry time for password reset link we generate for users who wish to reset their password in Service Desk portal to access
Onhold Status with Tiimer Set
Is there a way for a notification to be sent to the technician when the status of a ticket reaches the end of the timer set for the Onhold status. When the timer runs out and the status is changed to open, we would like for the technician to get notified that the ticket is open.
Web page is not fit with screen
We have an issue when we zoom out, web page is not fit with screen. ServiceDesk Plus Latest Version: 14.7 Build 14700
How can we restrict Technician to assign Schedule End Date on Task less than Schedule End Date assigned on the Change Request?
Dear All, While creating a Change Request we've set the Scheduled Start and Scheduled End for 1 Month but while creating a Task manually under the Implementation Stage of the Change Request we can able to set the Schedule End above 1 Month from the actual
CMDB API Get All Asset CI Details using criteria
I am trying to invoke the 'Get All Asset CI Details using criteria' operation through your API panel using your XML from your manual, but I am receiving an error shown in the screenshot. What am I doing wrong?
Get the pvc keychain custom patches
At our PVC Patches company, we offer the best pvc keychain custom patches, hat patches, label patches, morale patches, and many other kinds of patches. PVC keychains are an excellent means of promoting your brand, company, and events. Each PVC keychain
Custom function works when using "save and test" but not when executed by a custom schedule
I imagine this is due to my limited understanding of the Deluge scripting, but I cannot find anything about why this may be happening. I have a custom script (pasted below) that takes in a report. The report is just any ticket for a departing employee
Custom function to insert request based on schedule
Hello, I am trying to create a custom function that will generate a request ticket based on a fixed schedule. I have searched the forums and online, but have had no luck finding a custom function related to what I am trying to do. If anyone has an example
User groups allowed to view tickets
In the user settings, there is a ticket visibility option. Is it possible to implement this option for a group of users?
Add "user groups" as an option in the share request menu, or add "group Allowed to View" option in the user group section
Our ticket system is used by multiple departments. We want certain tickets to be viewable by people that may be under different departments. The only way to do this currently is by sharing the ticket, however manually selecting all the applicable departments,
Only displaying relevant solutions AND allow more filters for User Groups
I'd like the option of limiting the view of the solutions for end users to those the user requires. For example, not everyone has access to all the services in the service catalog, and so I'd like to reduce the number of false hits by removing these items from their view. I've been able to do this up until this point for services deployed to a site by creating a user group for the service and then applying a site filter, but this only works for the smaller services (as I have many sites). Once solution
Ability to display MultiSelect and MultiCheck fields in Request List.
If an Additional Field is a "Multi Select" type (regardless whether Multi Select or Check Box sub-type), then in the Request List it is not available as a column to be displayed. Please make this available, even if just read-only. Thank you.
Service Request field dropdown reference a list of departments
Hello all Trying to create a field called Departments and it be auto populated by the list of departments that get imported from AD on my requester. Any ideas? I'm assuming it would be a script I put in the rules but I'm not sure what the script would be
Report on year to Date Open Tickets by Age to include Status
Trying to identify if this query is including tickets in an Open status. Looking to identify any that are in Resolution or Closed status: select wo.WORKORDERID"Request ID", qd.QUEUENAME "Group", aau.FIRST_NAME "Requester", wo.TITLE "Subject", ti.FIRST_NAME
Trigger task on date in field
Hello, I am trying to improve our offboarding functionality. My problem is very similar to what Matthew is describing: Trigger Task on Evective Date ( To summarize: I have a form for offboarding and this form contains an additional field
Script to add custom field text to subject line
We have a trigger setup to send an email to non IT people when a New Hire is brought on. I created a form rule to add the employee name to the Subject line. the script is below /*Set subject line from employee name*/ var subtext=" New Hire Request: ";
Logons using Smart Cards
My organization just started requiring smart card logans to the domain. SD had been set up using user ID's/passwords that were synchronized with Active Directory. Now, with the smart card lagon requirement users cannot use their old domain user ID's and passwords to access the SD portal. I do not want to set up passwords for 400+ user accounts in ServiceDesk. Is there a way to configure ServiceDesk to identify the user via their smart card lagon (through Active Directory) and not be prompted with
Problem in loading field while editing a request life cycle
Hello friends, When I want to create or edit a request lifecycle and make some fields mandatory or optional in a transaction, there are no fields to select. In addition, it is not possible to create a custom request filter on the requests page, and nothing
Abnormal interaction between SPD and ADM
We use ADM on SPD to manage the connection, and we have also configured ADM. However, when jumping, the situation prompts as shown below. Is this an issue with SDP or ADM.
Access Token not found
Hi Guys m trying to configure o365 oath for manage engine service desk plus for some reason its giving me below error following below wiki.Anyone can guide ?
Problem with UDF Sending Using API
I'm unable to send UDF values using the REST API, UDF Fields added see the attachment, API Request Body: { "request": { "subject": "subject", "description": "desc", "requester": { "id": "4503", "name": "API" }, "udf_fields": { "udf_sline_301": "Ahmed
Mail Fetching using Microsoft Graph
Hello, I have SDP product latest version, and i want to configure mail server settings on it. I have office 365 subscription. But i cannot configure the mail server settings & fetching properly From my side, i created registered app on azure portal but
Auto assign incident/request approvers
We've created a special subcategory for requests/incidents. Any incident that uses this subcategory needs to be approved by specific individuals before it can be closed. We're using SDP 8112. Is this possible? I saw where I can manually add approvers, but this will get cumbersome quickly, and people could forget to assign the approvers. Thanks!
Active Directory picture synchronized in ServiceDesk Plus?
Hi Everyone, We want our users' profile photos to be synchronized from Active Directory. Is there such a feature?
How to create Multiple Child Requests from a Parent Request?
Dear All, How can we auto. create three (3) child requests once a Parent request is Raised? We would like to auto. create those child requests which will be assigned to the specific Templates, Group, Technician and has its own SLA defined and those child
[Free webinar] Reduce service desk expenses in five quick steps
Hi there, Cost reduction strategies involve time-consuming plans, and often fail to curb IT expenses effectively. Discover five immediate steps you can take to optimize service desk expenses, while improving service desk efficiency and productivity. Join
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