Query to get Support Group info
Version : 10.6 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : select qd.QUEUEID, qd.QUEUEDESCRIPTION, qd.QUEUENAME "Support group", ownedby.FIRST_NAME AS "Owned By", au.FIRST_NAME "Technician", qe.email "Group EMAIL" from QueueDefinition qd left join Queue_Technician qt on qd.QUEUEID=qt.QUEUEID
Query to get operational hours info based on account and site
Version : 10609 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT: select "ad"."ORG_NAME" AS "Account", "sdorg"."NAME" AS "Site", case when hop.starttime = '00:00:00' and hop.endtime = '23:59:00' then 'Yes' else 'No' END as "24 Hours (Y/N)", hop.starttime as "Start time", hop.endtime
Query to get Change info with additional date fields time difference calculation.
Version : 14000 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT: Query : Execute the below two queries 1 and 2 and get the roleids from the output and replace it in highlighted spot in query 3. 1 . select chrol.name,chrolusermap.ROLEID from changeroles chrol LEFT JOIN changeroleusermapping
Worklog report with task name, request name and ID
Hi, Is it possible to have worklog raport from requests but with task name, request name and ID? There is time spent report form but no task name available.
Auto-Merge of Incident-Request (same Content in Subject)
Hi all, we are getting automated Tickets from our NMS-System via eMails. Device down = Subject: Node xxx is down Device up = Subject: Node xxx is up Now we want to merge these two Requests created automatically when xxx is identical (to decrease load
Could not see task is shared create in CHANGE.
Dear Team, I have a problem that all task that shared by another group created in change management which is shared to my group impossible to view. My role is here. Please check this issue for me soon. Thanks & Best Regards,
Migrate ServiceDesk Plus to ServiceDesk Plus MSP
Hello, I already have a production environment of ServiceDesk Plus with more of 13K requests and I want to know if it's possible to migrate all the data to a new installation of ServiceDesk Plus MSP (because I want to upgrade my free SDP license to a
Share with requester or technician - Does shared requester receive notification when request it updated?
Share with requester or technician - Does shared requester receive notification when request it updated? If a request is shared with requester or technician, should the shared requester or technician recieve updates or notifications if there is an update
Approval Changes Error
Hi team, I am currently getting an error in changes that I can see approve button. Even though I have given permission to my user account. This just happen when I upgrade my app to version 14.302 Please check this error urgently because I need to make
Change Ticket ID
I've just installed a new instance of SDP MSP 9.4 and want to change the ticked ID from the default value of 1, to something else, like start from 100000. After looking around for answers I found this link, http://kbase.servicedeskplusmsp.com/faq/requests/how-to-change-the-order-of-requestid.html but it seems to be a bit old and the database entries don't really match up. Would it be possible to get an updated instruction for the newer versions of SDP MSP? We are using postgres database. Thanks!
Need to know our company Account Manager
We would like to meet out Account Manager and our License is expiring in 40 days from today Company Name : Cambridge Technologies Email id : rtatavarthi@ctepl.com
After upgrade to 14.2 the back button no longer takes us back to current account
Hi All, Has anyone else noticed since the 14.2 upgrade that the back button no longer takes you back to the current account that you are working in? Our techs are finding this quite frustrating since the upgrade. Regards, Martin
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14303 Released
Dear User(s) Greetings for the day. We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14303. Please refer to the Migration path and the read me available to upgrade your SDP MSP instance. Following is the support policy of ServiceDesk Plus MSP
SAML Authetication is supported in Mobile apps
Dear Users We have introduced SAML authentication support for our iOS and Android apps. This feature will work when the corresponding SDP MSP installation build number is 14200 and above. Please update the instance and the apps to avail this feature.
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14302 Released
Dear User(s) Greetings for the day. We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14302. Please refer to the Migration path and the read me available to upgrade your SDP MSP instance. Following is the support policy of ServiceDesk Plus MSP
Query to get Technician roles in single row
Version : 13000 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : select auser.first_name as "TECHNICIAN", (sd.employeeid) as "Employee ID", longtodate(auser.createdtime) as "Creation Date", (SELECT STUFF(( Select ar.NAME+ CHAR(10) from PortalTechnicians pu left join AaaUser au on
Query to get Request task and worklog info
Version : 13000 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT "wo"."WORKORDERID" AS "Request ID", "wo"."CREATEDTIME" AS "Created Time", "wo"."TITLE" AS "Subject", "wo"."DUEBYTIME" AS "DueBy Time", "wo"."IS_CATALOG_TEMPLATE" AS "Service Request", "aau"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Requester",
Query to get Technician list with associated Project Role info.
Version : 10609 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : SELECT aaauser.First_name AS "Name", al.name "Login Name", sduser.FIRSTNAME AS "First Name", aaacontact.EMAILID AS "E-Mail", deptTable.DEPTNAME AS "Department", cisite.NAME AS "Site", projro.rolename AS "Project Role",
[Free training] Masterclass 2023: Simplifying MSP operations with built-in PSA and RMM capabilities (Jun 28)
Hey there, We're excited to announce that we're organizing a free Masterclass training for ServiceDesk Plus MSP this month and we would love to have you and your team take part in it! In this session, you will learn how you can utilize built-in PSA and
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14300 Released
Dear User(s) Greetings for the day. We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14300. A couple of enhancements available along with this release are as follows : Business Rules and Custom Trigger Enhancements. Enhancements in Solution Module
Automatic status change
Whilst the new version of the product allows for a scheduled status change when setting a status, I was would like to suggest an elaboration on this: A setting which allows me to select one or more status's to be changed from the current status to Open (or a selectable status) after a certain time has passed and then also notifies the technician. E.G. We have a status called Awaiting Response which we set the request to once we have requested more information from the requester. I want Awaiting Response
API CMDB Relationships between CIs
Hi! we have ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP 13.0 Build 13004, and trying to use the REST API for CMDB to obtain the Relationships between CIs and Users previously created. But when we try with the method "Get CI relationships details" https://help.servicedeskplus.com/api/cmdb/get_ci_relationships/get_ci_relationships.html
Query to get Announcement List and info
Version : 13002 DB : MSSQL / PGSQL OUTPUT : select ad.org_name "Account Associated", anno.TITLE "Announcement Title", LONGTODATE(anno.CREATEDDATE) "Created time", LONGTODATE(anno.DATE_TO) "End time" from announcement anno Left JOIN announcementaccountmapping
At login page not showing button "Log in with SAML Single Sign On"
Hi. I'm configured SAML SSO and use Default Login page. But can't see button "Log in with SAML Single Sign On". Here's Preview in Settings: Preview in the Settings Here's how it looks in browsers (in incognito with cleared cache - too) Real view
Query to get Users/Requesters list who has login.
Version : 14200 DB : MSSQL / PGSQL OUTPUT : SELECT AaaUser.USER_ID, AaaUser.FIRST_NAME "FullName", AaaLogin.NAME "LoginName", AaaLogin.DOMAINNAME "Domain", AaaContactInfo.EMAILID "Email" FROM AaaUser LEFT JOIN UserDepartment ON AaaUser.USER_ID = UserDepartment.USERID
Query to get Group hop count of request.
Version : 10524 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT MAX("wo"."WORKORDERID") AS "Request ID", Longtodate("wo"."CREATEDTIME") AS "Created Date", "sdo"."NAME" AS "Site", "qd"."QUEUENAME" AS "Current Group", "std"."STATUSNAME" AS "Request Status", count(wohd.columnname)
Query to get Info about request technician change and changed by
Version : 14001 DB: MSSQL / PGSQL OUTPUT : SELECT wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID", (aau.FIRST_NAME) "CREATEDBY", (wo.TITLE) "Subject", (std.STATUSNAME) "Request Status", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Changed By", auTech.FIRST_NAME as "Tech Changed From", auNextTech.FIRST_NAME
Query to get Template list with fields mapped to it and default values.
Version : 14000 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : select sd.name "Service Catalog Name",rt.templatename "Template name",fc.field_name "Fields",fc.default_value "Field Value" from requesttemplate_list rt left join servicedefinition sd on sd.serviceid = rt.parent_service
Query to get Project and milestone timespent in same query.
Version : 10.6 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT tpr.PROJECTID , MAX(pr.TITLE) "Title", (SELECT SUM(ct.TIMESPENT)/1000/3600 "Total Time Spent" FROM ChargesTable ct LEFT JOIN TaskToCharge tkc ON ct.CHARGEID=tkc.CHARGEID LEFT JOIN TaskDetails tk ON tkc.TASKID=tk.TASKID
Query to Request created from Mail and waiting for an Tech Reply.
Version : 14001 DB : PGSQL / MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", wo.TITLE AS "Subject", ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN ModeDefinition mdd ON wo.MODEID=mdd.MODEID LEFT JOIN WorkOrderAccountMapping wam ON wo.WORKORDERID=wam.WORKORDERID
Business Role
Hi there, Can I associate all my request to specific Site, Group and Account? If Can , How can I do it
Query to get Request Closure Comments added by requester.
Version : 13000 DB : MSSQL / PGSQL SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", wo.TITLE AS "Subject", cd.CATEGORYNAME AS "Category", scd.NAME AS "Subcategory", rtdef.NAME AS "Request Type", lvd.LEVELNAME AS "Level", std.STATUSNAME AS "Request Status", wo.CREATEDTIME
Query to get SLA and First Response voilated percentage based on account
Version : 10609 DB : PGSQL / MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT ad.org_name "Account", count(wo.WORKORDERID) "Total Request", count(case when std.ISPENDING='0' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) "Completed Requests" , count(case when (wos.ISOVERDUE='1') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) "SLA
Query to get Change WorkLog
Version : 14001 DB : PGSQL / MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT ch.CHANGEID "Change ID", ch.TITLE "Change Title", rctd.FIRST_NAME "WorkLog Owner", Longtodate(ct.TS_ENDTIME) "WorkLog END Time", ct.DESCRIPTION, chfd.UDF_DATE2 AS "Signature Date" FROM ChargesTable ct
Query to get Time calculation of request from created time to resolved / closed status
Version : 10.5 DB : PGSQL SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", case when (wo.completedtime=0) then null else TO_CHAR(((wo.completedtime-wo.createdtime)/1000 || ' second')::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS') end "Completed Date - created Date", case when (wo.resolvedtime=0)
Update tasks fields from request additional field - again :)
I need to automatically complete the task fields with the start and end date based on an additional field in the request. I have the following script but it doesn't work properly. After launching, it throws the error "{"result":"Failure","message":"Task
Any update on feature for asset replenishment or consumables
We are currently trying to implement SDP MSP to organize our storages to keep track on spareparts and consumables for our MSP sites and our customers. I'm hoping this feature is not far away and that you could prioritize this.
Query to get list of template name, rule name, event, conditions and actions information
Version : 13000 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT: SELECT rd.rulename "Rule Name", rd.usertype "Applies To", rd.jscode "Script", ry.ruletype "Event", rff.fieldname"Field Condition", rcm.condition_string "Condition", rcfv.fieldvalue "field value", raty.actionname "Action
Is it possible to mass produce the replacement templates in the SDP?
from the default template to another, since 5000 templates is changed manually, horror mode
Query to get Active Technician key list with Technician info.
Version : 13004 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT: select au.first_name, techkey.techniciankey, techkey.status from techniciankeydefinition techkey left join AaaLogin al on techkey.LOGIN_ID = al.LOGIN_ID Left join AaaUser au on al.user_id=au.user_id where techkey.status
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