Unable to stop Sync between SDP and Analytics
Please can you assist, the sync between Analytics and SDP has been going on for a few days but the sync does not actually take place. I would like to force stop the sync and add the Analytics back.
Business rule to share request to department
Hi, I would like to create a business rule that can share a request to users(Not Technician) in a department. The users only need to be able to see the request details. What configuration will allow this? I did not see a business rule action that can
Change email via CLI
I have a single Technician license and was using SAML SSO to log into SDP MSP. I accidentally made a local requester have the same email address as the Technician account. This technician account is the only account with admin privileges. Because of this
How do I hide some of the default views that come with the system
How to make the request default view display only which consists of My Open Requests, My Requests On Hold,My Pending Requests, My Resolved Requests, My Completed Requests, My Closed Requests, All My Requests for Technician or Support group
DR Restore Test not working
We are trying to run a DR test of our SDP Plus MSP server. For this i have: 1. Created a full backup from the live server using the backup batch file. This created 2x ezip files (part 1 and part 2). 2. Created a brand new Windows server 2022 standard
Query to get Survey response info with count of number of survey given by customer
Version : 14200 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : Query : SELECT aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Requester", ti.FIRST_NAME AS "Technician", Longtodate(srm.responsetime) AS "Responded Time", srcmt.COMMENTTEXT AS "Comments", ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", sra.VALUE AS "Rating Value",
Updating all old tickets Categories with New Category
We are currently revamping our categorization - Incident category, sub category, items. What is the best way to update all of our older tickets(have old categories) with the new categories? Is it possible to export a list of tickets that use an old category
Query to get list of Request created from Maintenance schedule
Version : 14200 DB : MSSQL / PGSQL OUTPUT : Query : select wo.workorderid AS "Request ID", wo.title AS "Subject", wotodesc.FULLDESCRIPTION AS "Description" from pmtasktoworkorder pmtw INNER JOIN workorder wo ON pmtw.WORKORDERID=wo.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN
Change Requester or Site in the Ticket
How do you change a requester within a ticket? How do you change a ticket from one account to another?
Query to get Account details along with additional attributes and postal address info
Query to get Status info with technician,group and timespent.
Version : 14001 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : Query : select woa.workorderid "RequestID", wo.title "Subject", pd.priorityname "Priority", aauOwn.FIRST_NAME AS "Technician", qd.queuename AS "Group", sd1.statusname "From status", sd2.statusname "To status", longtodate(wsi.ENDTIME)
Query to get project and task along with comments
Version : 14001 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : Query : SELECT ad.org_name AS "Account Name", pd.projectid AS "Project ID", pd.title AS "Title", LONGTODATE(pd.createdtime) AS "Project Date", pd.projectcode AS "Project Code", aa.first_name AS "Technician", taskdet.title
Query to get Request Count on hourly bases
Version : 14300 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT: Query : select case when (DATEPART(hh,dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE() ,getdate()) + (wo.CREATEDTIME/1000),'1970-01-01 00:00:00'))>0 AND DATEPART(hh,dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE() ,getdate()) + (wo.CREATEDTIME/1000),'1970-01-01
Delete Support Groups in bulk
Hi team, a pleasure to greet you. I have a question. Is there any way to delete support groups in bulk? We have a customer with more than 90 accounts created and he needs to delete support groups associated to different sites from those accounts. We have
Availability of Release Management in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP version 14.5 - Build 14503
Dear Users, Greetings for the day. In our ongoing commitment to enhancing your experience, we're excited to introduce the latest availability of IT Release Management functionality in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP version 14.5 - Build 14503. This
Query to get Group change info
Version : 14300 DB:PGSQL / MSSQL Query : SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", au.FIRST_NAME AS "Created By", LONGTODATE(wo.createdtime) AS "CREATEDTIME", qd.QUEUENAME AS "Group", std.STATUSNAME AS "Request Status", ti.FIRST_NAME AS "Support Rep", LONGTODATE(si.ENDTIME)
Resource Questions: Table format option
Hi, I thought I saw this either on the Road Map or Feature list but can't find it now. Is there still plans to introduce into the Resource Section the ability to add multiple items in tabular format. Working scenario, the Records and Archive team get
Delete unasigned tasks in bulk
we found several task created by old templates that are in already closed cases, we need to delete all unasigned tasks in bulk:
Queyr to get service catalog info
Version : 10609 DB : MSSQL / PGSQL OUTPUT: Query: select servicedefinition.serviceid as "Service Category Id", servicedefinition.name as "Service Category", servicedefinition.description as "Service category Description", requesttemplate_list.templatename
Query to get Survey info with questions as columns and rating as values
Version : 14300 DB : MSSQL / PGSQL OUTPUT : Query : SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", wo.TITLE AS "Request Title", ad.org_name AS "Account", qd.queuename AS "Group", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Requester", dpt.DEPTNAME AS "Department", ti.FIRST_NAME AS "Technician",
End-of-Life (EOL) Announcement for Change V1 APIs
Dear users, ServiceDesk Plus MSP V1 APIs for the change module will reach its end-of-life (EOL) on January 31, 2024. Moving forward, any upcoming releases will not have access to the V1 Change APIs. Impact: Any external products, web clients or desktop
How to I add Fixed price Charges in my Request Ticket
My Customer Service team opened a Ticket on behalf of a Requester who called in with a Slow Computer Issue, While he was working for a half hour to resolve the issue, he saw that he needs a new Network cable. Now My customer service Rep logged a Half
Worklog Additional Cost Item
I added some Worklog Additional Cost Items in SDP MSP settings but when I add a Worklog I can't see any fields where I can add these items. Also I can't find any setting which enables this feature. Could someone help me?
Query to get count of conversation in request
Version : 14300 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : Query : SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", wo.TITLE AS "Subject", pd.PRIORITYNAME AS "Priority", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Requester", ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", std.STATUSNAME AS "Status", ti.FIRST_NAME AS "Technician",
error with update 10510 to any
Hello , Posgress DB + demo_license error on "post invoke" stage,all folders are close before update, try any new ver up to 10536 update_log attached
Query to get technician timespent on each contract
Version: 14200 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : Query: SELECT "rctd"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Time Spent Support Rep", "ac"."CONTRACTNO" AS "Contract Number" , "ac".contractname AS "Contract Name", CAST((sum(ct.TIMESPENT)/3600000) AS VARCHAR(20)) +':'+CAST(((sum(ct.TIMESPENT)
Upcoming EOL of API's - Account , Site
Dear Users Greetings for the day. We are writing to inform you about an important update regarding our APIs. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible service and technology, we are announcing the End of Life (EOL) for the below
Report grouped by month
Hello. How do I make a report in te best way in my sdp msp(version 40001) for a specific account with colums: Request ID, Subject, Technican, Created time, completed time Requst mode: Preventive maintenance The report should Sort this years preventive
Query to get Request Time Elapse calculation of service request changed to incident request.
Version : 13000 DB : PGSQL Query: SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", longtodate(wo.CREATEDTIME) AS "Created Time", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Requester", longtodate(wo.COMPLETEDTIME) AS "Closed On", ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", rtl.TEMPLATENAME AS "Template
Query to get Request list based on created time grouped by
Version : 13000 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT: SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", longtodate(wo.CREATEDTIME) AS "Created Time", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Requester", longtodate(wo.COMPLETEDTIME) AS "Closed On", ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", rtl.TEMPLATENAME AS "Template
Query to get Request conversation info with last updated info
Version : 14300 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : SELECT wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID", (aau.FIRST_NAME) "Requester", (wo.TITLE) "Subject", (ti.FIRST_NAME) "Technician", LONGTODATE(wos.LAST_TECH_UPDATE) AS "Last Updated Time", lastby.first_name "Last Updated By", longtodate(wo.CREATEDTIME)
Add Billing Contract to Email Command
Add the ability to set the Billing Contract to the Email Command as it will help set up a ticket automatically.
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP version 14.5 - Build 14500 is released
Dear Users, Greetings for the day. We're happy to announce that ServiceDesk Plus MSP version 14.5 is now available. The latest version introduces behaviour changes , new features and several enhancements to further improve your experience with ServiceDesk
Set Resolution field using FAFR
Hi. Is it possible to set Resolution field using FAFR with custom script?
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14306 Released
Dear User(s) Greetings for the day. We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14306. Please refer to the Migration path and the read me available to upgrade your SDP MSP instance. Following is the support policy of ServiceDesk Plus MSP
Query to get Request technician shared info
Version : 14305 DB : MSSQL / POSTGRES OUTPUT: Query: select Longtodate(wosh.SHARED_TIME) "Shared Date", wo.workorderid "Request ID", aaush.FIRST_NAME "Who Shared", aau.FIRST_NAME "Technician Shared To", wosh_comment.TECHNICIAN_COMMENTS "Comments" from
Deleting an Account from SDP-MSP
Hi Team, I want to delete some old accounts, would you be able to provide me any steps for the same? In addition, please can you let me know what will happen to the Requests, Changes, Problems, Requester, will it also get deleted from system? Please also let me know if there is a way I can disable an Account for time being? We are using ME SDP-MSP 9.0 Build 9009 with MS SQL Thank you, Rohit Pol Amicus ITS
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14305 Released
Dear User(s) Greetings for the day. We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 14.3 - Build - 14305. Please refer to the Migration path and the read me available to upgrade your SDP MSP instance. Please note the behavior changes mentioned in our read
Why the calendar window does not open?
I can't change date in schedule when i want to add day off. Button with calendar icon is active, but calendar popup not showing. Tried deleting cookies and other browsers.
Query to get Support Group info
Version : 10.6 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : select qd.QUEUEID, qd.QUEUEDESCRIPTION, qd.QUEUENAME "Support group", ownedby.FIRST_NAME AS "Owned By", au.FIRST_NAME "Technician", qe.email "Group EMAIL" from QueueDefinition qd left join Queue_Technician qt on qd.QUEUEID=qt.QUEUEID
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