ServiceDesk Plus MSP -Changing site of requester to another account
Is it possible to change the site of a Requester in ServiceDesk Plus MSP? I get the drop-down box but it won't give me the sites of any other accounts.
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10507 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10507. Please refer to the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 10507. Behavior changes Agent Uninstall and Agent Remote Control functionalities have been removed from the application. Issues Fixed XSS Vulnerabilities are fixed. CSRF Vulnerabilities are fixed. Privilege escalation vulnerabilities are fixed. Remote code execution vulnerability in the windows agent scan is fixed. XXE vulnerabilities
API retrieve all tasks from ServiceDesk Plus MSP
Hi, I'm testing ServiceDesk Plus - MSP API. I need to get all tasks. I tried in two ways: -old API suggested by buit-in documentation: http://<servername>:<portnumber>/sdpapi/home/task with body {"operation": {"details": {"filter": "ALLTASKS"}}} - each time it showed to me default filter result (only task assigned to me) -API from ServiceDesk Plus http://<servername>:<portnumber>/api/v3/tasks with body {"list_info": {"row_count": "2" },"fields_required": ["id","title","description"]}
REST API - Add Request
Hello, I'm new to ManageEngine API, and APi in general. Can you please help me.I'm trying to add a new request but keep getting an error " User does not have permissions to view this request filter " My request looks like this:{"operation": {"details": {"requester":"Mark Green","subject": "Build me a plane!","description": "Build the most beautiful plane!","requesttemplate": "Default Request","priority":
Get our technicians activity report - online duration
Hi, I want to get report of online duration of our technicians with sign in and sign out time by day: for example: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| 2020-04-01 - Friday |
| technician name | login time | sign out time | Duration | username | status | |
Service Catalogue - Add/Remove options in the Fields and forms rules
Hi guys, I was wondering if you could help me understand a rule in the admin side, and whether it resolves my issue. I'm creating a new Service catalogue and I'd like to do the following: On Form load the field "Department" would be empty When a user selects a "Site" from the "Site" field, the "On field edit" rule triggers if user selects "Site A" then the "Department" field will be populated by x,y,z options if user selects "Site B" then the "Department" field will be populated by a,b,c options.
Consider resolution as first response
Hi, I want to 'Consider resolution addition as First Response' to prevent First Response SLA violation. What should I do? Thanks for helping
incident template
Hello everyone; i meet a wrong,i don't know add field, i want add to a field in cell (chinh cac truong them) i want add example (them 1,them 2,them 3) when i choose other please introduce me thanks all
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10506 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10506. Please refer to the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 10506. Issues Fixed XSS Vulnerabilities are fixed. CSRF Vulnerabilities are fixed. Privilege escalation vulnerabilities are fixed. SDPMSP-14905: Unable to view a Request in certain cases is fixed. SDPMSP-14883: Upgrade from 10500 to 10504 / 10505 got failed is fixed. SDPMSP-14746: SQL injection vulnerability detected in the unused sources
Upgrade to service desk plus MSP
Hi, Can i upgrade my current service desk plus server to a MSP ? or can i copy the database from service desk plus to a service desk plus MSP server ? I am running an onprem server Thanks in advance, Yorick
How to integrate ADSelf Service Plus to ServiceDesk Plus MSP
Hi, I wanna to integrate ADSelf Service Plus to ServiceDesk Plus MSP, but can't find this menu. What should I do? SDP MSP 10.5.03 DB: MS SQL
[On-demand webinar] IT admin's guide to enabling organizational visibility
Hello folks, Sign up to watch our on-demand webinar on how IT admins can enable cross-functional visibility across the organization. During the session, we'll show you how analytics can help, Eliminate complex compliance, monitoring, and visibility issues. Efficiently unify disparate and complex business data spread across departments and functions. Provide decision-makers with a comprehensive overview via cross-functional reports and dashboards. Secure access to critical business data based on
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10504 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10504. Please refer to the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 10504. Issues Fixed XSS Vulnerabilities are fixed. CSRF Vulnerabilities are fixed. SDPMSP-14522 : Unable to edit an account, when the site name has special characters. SDPMSP-14614 : We have restricted the usage of unpublished V3 API's. Behavior changes SDPMSP-14622 : As informed earlier, Support for Mobile client (/mc) is completely
Unable to restoredata. Incorrect Password to restore the backup files
Hi all, i need help on this. my company's server got crashed and we urgently need the data in the ManageEngine ServiceDesk. Luckily, we have the backup every month. Now, I attempted to install the MSP into my laptop and hopeful that I can retrieve the data as .xml or .xls. this is the steps i have done. 1. run restoredata.bat 2. select my backup database 3. the system prompt me for a password and I dont have one. Kindly assist on how I can continue. below screenshow is the outcome i have tried 'sdp123!'
Cannot remove CC'ed users without sending a reply and manually editing out the CC line
There should be a way to edit the CCed users on a ticket, similar to editing the owner of a ticket, editing the technician, etc. Having to hit reply, manually edit the CC line and then hit reply is a tedious and seemingly pointless task since the functionality to edit the ticket in many ways is already present.
Restoredata takes very long
Hi all, i was trying to restoredata from an existing backupdata file. The file size is just 21MB and it seems like taking years. Anyone has similar issues?
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10502 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10502. Please refer to the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 10502. Issues Fixed SDPMSP-12599 : Unable to add/update a Technician when more than 300 sites/ groups associated to the technician. SDPMSP-13838 : Prototype pollution vulnerability. SDPMSP-14060 : Xero OAuth 1.0 deprecation is handled. Note: Existing users must reconfigure all Xero integration settings with OAuth 2.0 after this upgrade.
How to limit Broadcast to a specific support group?
Is there a way to limit the Broadcast Message to a specific support group? The reason for this is that every broadcast does not mean everyone should know. In some cases, there are specific groups that needs go know a specific message - Network team only, Service Desk Team only, etc.
Replace your portal for issues and feature request with something similar User Voice
The current portal where we vote and track reported issues is sooooooo outdated and difficult to use. Can you replace that with something similar to User Voice? Sample Sites: Microsoft Word: Microsoft Excel: Microsoft PowerPoint: User Voice:
Technicians can't pickup requests without Category,Subcategory,Item assigned.
Techs used to be able to pickup requests without a CSI assigned. Now they are forced to go into the ticket and update those fields before being able to assign or pickup requests. Is there a way to change this? These are still mandatory fields for CLOSING a request but shouldn't be mandatory for picking up a request.
Question about ServiceDesk Plus MSP
Hi Team! We have a potential customer who consults us about connecting SDP MSP to a Syslog server. The purpose is to send the logs to a SIEM solution. Is this possible? Another question asked by our customer Is there a link where we can access the EOL and EOS of SDP MSP? Finally the costumer asks us about FoS, in this link it says that it is not recommended to have in virtual environments and our costumer is evaluating to have SDP MSP in VMs.
Problem getting resolution of request using API
Hi, All I'm integrating our servicedesk plus with out internal product using API and working in Python. I successfully got details of a response, uploaded attachment to a request using API but I ain't able to "GET" resolution of a request. Getting following error: {"operation":{"result":{"message":"Error when validating URL - Invalid URL for the requested operation.","status":"Failed"}}} I also tried closing the request using API but got 405 (Method not supported) HTTP code. Got same 405 code for
Manage Engine MSP Server Agent Installation Issue - Please Help!
Hi , I testing trial version of desktopcentral msp server. When i want install agent I'm getting some errors. Can you help me? Thank you,
IT analytics in 90 seconds: Leverage monthly recurring revenue to enhance your MSP's business model
Enhance your business model by monitoring your organization's recurring revenue using reports in Analytics Plus. If you're not already using Analytics Plus, download your free, 30-day trial today:
Integration between MSP and Application Manager
Is there an integration between these two products? I do not see it (Application Manager) listed under the integrations in MSP. If there is an integration where can I get some information about how to set this up and the capabilities of the integration.
IT analytics in 90 seconds: Ensure sustained profitability through revenue diversification in an MSP help desk
Track revenue distribution to fuel profitability in your organization using the Revenue Distribution report in Analytics Plus. If you're not already using Analytics Plus, download your free, 30-day trial today:
SQL SD + MSP query report - Average response time per account grouped by priority
Hello, I need to generate a report like the one below that I found in the community, but I need to group it by priority. Can someone help me? SELECT ad.ORG_NAME "Account",wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID",aau.FIRST_NAME "Requester",wo.TITLE "Subject",ti.FIRST_NAME "Technician",longtodate(wo.CREATEDTIME) "Created Time",longtodate(wo.respondedTIME) "responded Time",TO_CHAR(((wo.TIMESPENTONREQ)/1000 || ' second')::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS') "Time Spent OH", TO_CHAR((((wo.respondedtime)-(wo.createdtime))/1000
E-mail commad to asign request to account
Hi, we need to asign a request to account, taking account name from e-mail subjet, is it possible? Thanks.
Upgrade without database backup
Hi, How can we bypass the backup requirement during an upgrade to 10500? We have an external database and backup system and I don't want to have to wait hours for the inbuilt backup to run during downtime. Previously this was a simple change to the startup batch file, but that don't appear to work any more; thanks
SQL SD + MSP query report - Average response time per account grouped by priority
Olá, Preciso gerar um relatório como o que encontrei abaixo na comunidade, mas preciso agrupá-lo por prioridade. Alguém pode me ajudar? SELECT ad.ORG_NAME "Account",wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID",aau.FIRST_NAME "Requester",wo.TITLE "Subject",ti.FIRST_NAME "Technician",longtodate(wo.CREATEDTIME) "Created Time",longtodate(wo.respondedTIME) "responded Time",TO_CHAR(((wo.TIMESPENTONREQ)/1000 || ' second')::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS') "Time Spent OH", TO_CHAR((((wo.respondedtime)-(wo.createdtime))/1000 || ' update_conf.xml missing
I am working on a fresh install of SDP MSP, the installer is version 9.0 so I have been running the updates to get to 10.5. After installing 9.4 build 9427 I am unable to update to version 10. [root@b1-sdp-01 bin]# ./ -c File not found exception /opt/ManageEngine/ServiceDeskPlus-MSP/server/default/conf/update_conf.xml (No such file or directory) Exception while getting General Properties java.lang.NullPointerException at
Unused Incident - Additional Fields or what Templates are they being used in
Is there a way of seeing what "Incident - Additional Fields" are not being used in any Incident template? Or is there a way to see what templates a particular "Incident - Additional Field" is being used in? For instance, we are trying to clean up some of our Fields to get under the maximum your software allows of 90, as well as try to find fields that could be removed safely and know what templates it is affecting. Such as if the field "Call Back Number" is removed, will it only affect one template
Certain column not appeared on report
I've set an additional fields for incident template which type is CheckBox. However when I would like to generate report specifically based on the additional filed i've just created (not appear in Advanced Filtering), it is not there. The option is not available. Other additional field are available but not the CheckBox type. Is there any way for me to generate report specifically based on the additional field type CheckBox? Verison: 10.5 Build 10501 DB: postgres
Custom SLA
Hi we have a customer who has an SLA in their contract for incidents. The SLA is for a Proposed SLA. I can easily add a new choice to the Status field called Proposed SLA. Is there any way to create an SLA that I can report on based on this value in the Status field. I know many other Service Management products allow for custom SLA beyond the two included in MSP (Response and Resolution). Thanks
One MSP Approver for all accounts
We would like to set up one MSP approver, who is an technician of MSP, for some special categories service request of all accounts. Flow: Requester 1 (Account A) -> Center Manager of Account A -> A technician (Service Owner of the category) Currently, we can not setup a technician in any organization roles because he/she isn't belonged to that accounts and must setup specific his/her name to approval flow. I got the issues when the technician would leave his/her position, I manually change approval
Automated asset register (MAC address port location tracking?)
Hi Everyone, I have set myself a side project for this year, which is to create an automated asset register. Basically I want to know the physical locations of all my client devices, in a completely automated way. My thinking is something along the lines of this: (I already know every outlet in each office and where it cables back to, and in which switch port) 1. Use Solarwinds to interegate the switches to see which MAC address is connected to which switch port 2. Write the above into an SQL database
Reports on closed / resolved requests
Hello, We are facing issue where technicians solve easy tickets. It's good in a way but it skews the statistic. They are closing more then others. I guess I'm not alone with this problem, my idea was to create a report showing the max/min age of closed tickets closed per technicians. There are maybe some other good solution that I haven't thought of.
How to get the notes query.
Hello and sorry in advance i'm a very very new user and without much knowledge about servicedesk or the query system. (I'm from spain so english is not my first language) I have this actual query, but it's missing the notes from the tickets: I need to get all the notes that contain the word ("reclam"), is there any way to do this? right now it gets everything that has the word reclam in it, that is description, category (everything) "as you can see in the .png file" SELECT WOH.WORKORDERID ,WOHD.HISTORYID
[Free e-book] Resolve your help desk's biggest challenges with analytics
Help desks are constantly firefighting with little or no time to look into their own problems such as staffing or technician skill. This e-book outlines a few key help desk challenges and offers actionable solutions to tackle them.
how to set status while ticket rejected?
I add a new status "close rejectect" and still have normal close. I want to set this new status automatically when the approval is rejected. Under closing rules you can set to close automatically if approval in denied, but dont let you choose the estatus (only the status of task) How to achieve it??? Could it be a custom triggers? executed while request is rejected any time, the execute a class..... ? which one to change the status to "close rejected"?? any other solution? field and form rules are
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