Enable Two-Factor Authentication?
We currently utilize SD+ MSP, but we are wanting to lock logging in down further with Two-Factor Authentication. Is this possible?
Relation Account and Product
Hi i have a question when i try to create new request. First, i have created Account A, Product PA1, PA2 (for implement account A), PB1, PB2 (for implement another account). With Account A i have create sale product PA1 and PA2 (on screen Accounts)
ServiceDesk Plus API task update
Hello, I'm trying to update a task from request though the browser page. It works fine from my python script, but i would like to ue a direct url in my project. Is there a way to convert put request to url ? Py code: import requests url = "https://web.site.com:1234/api/v3/tasks/36311"
How to setup "Update request status when a new reply is received."
Hello, I'm trying to implement this script on our server https://pitstop.manageengine.com/portal/en/kb/articles/update-request-status-when-a-new-reply-is-received Looking at the config file don't understand why do I need to configure my mail server? Could someone please explain why ? KR Daniel
Python add request to servicedesk plus
Hello, Can you help me, please. I'm trying to add request to servicedesk plus using python. Here is my code : import requests url = "https://web_url:port_number/api/v3/requests" headers = {"technician_key":"29CFC222-0000-4628-0000-04CAA5123456"} input_data = '''{ "operation": { "details": { "requester": "John Grey", "subject": "First request", "description": "Test request number 1", "requesttemplate": "Default Request", "priority":
How to host ManageEngine in IIS, which file or folder to target ?
Hi All I installed ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP 64 on my server. Now I need it to be host on IIS so I can let my user access it via web browser or web portal. I have no idea how this should configure. Appreciate can you share me the steps and which folder or files I should target and configure it in IIS Thank you
Associate Contract changes Time Taken to Resolve
Associating to a different contract changes time taken to resolve. How can this be stopped ?
Technician Report Needed
Hi I need a simple report that lists all Technicians and the Groups they belong to.
Opening a ticket on Behalf of another user by Email
Please advise if there is a way to open a ticket on behalf of another user by email. for example ZOHO desk uses #original_sender(Emailaddress) on the top body of an email to open a tick on behalf of this email.
Reply from Technician Reply
Hi, When Technician reply to requester so the only forward tab is available. Why reply tab is missing. I want to reply including my previous reply. Please review the attached image. Thanks Shoaib Nawaz
Global Billing Rules
Hello! In my adventures with ServiceDesk MSP we've had configured many billing rules for specific Contracts. I'd like to know if there is a possibility to create a global billing rules which will be executed regardless of contract? The Idea poped in my
Postgre Query to get Account manager for account
Hi! Can you help us? We're want to get, with Postgres query or with API query, an Account manager for provided Account.
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10512 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10512. Please refer to the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 10512. Issues fixed SDPMSP-14881: Under requester login, selecting OnBehalfOf user is not possible. SDPMSP-15332: Site is not set if the technician sends an email not configured as an account support address and also in the incoming mail list. SDPMSP-15346: When the template category is modified, templates cannot be reordered. SDPMSP-15359:
Auto Assign to Group if Ticket is unpicked
Hi we would like to assign all tickets that do not have a group assigned to them after 15 minutes to a default group. So if a new ticket is created and the group field is blank after 15 minutes assign it to a default group. Is something like this possible?
Hide specific services for group of users
Hi, I'm currently setting up our ServiceDesk Plus MSP and was wondering, whether there is an option to manage the visibility of services for users. The users are all in the same account/client group but we would like them to have access to different services. Thanks a lot, Carolin
Email Command not working
I'm having problems getting the email command setup working properly. Everything appears to be configured correctly but when it receives my test emails, it simply opens a normal ticket. The Enable E-mail Commands box is checked and all the settings are
Check for newly added workstations
Hello. In the "Admin" section the "Discovery" -> "Audit Settings section", there is a "Check for newly added workstations" setting. How we can configure the search for newly added stations at the certain time? Is it possible? Or it uses settings that was given in section "Enable Scheduled Scan" -> "Time"?
Request filter
Hello, I'm looking for a way to separate new assigned and responded requests with a filter but I can't find any option to do that . Your Version: 10.5 Build 10510 Database: postgres KR Daniel
Errors after deleting Service Catalog additional field
Dear all, a client using ManageEngine ServiceDesk Enterprise 9.4 deleted a custom Service Request field from Admin > Service Catalog > Service Catalog - Additional Fields. As a result the said field was deleted in the DB as well (GUDF_DATE6). Is this expected behavior? It seems this has caused several problems, one of which is that there is a problem with creating a new change from request (Associate Change > New Change button), which fails with "Error occurred at server side, please contact your
Hi! Is it possible to get info about assets via API in SDP MSP or in some other way -- for scripting purposes? If yes - please, tell how.
Email server connection failure
Hi I have a problem with my email server. when i send an email "Sending Notification Failed" message will appear. Also i have Received This Error in Email server Log: "ssl negotiation failed error code 0x80090327" I have a wildcard SSL Certificate from Certum CA .Exported from Email Server and already Imported into Sevicedesk. im Using Servicedesk MSP 10509 database is mssql server here is some Screenshots in attachments
API v3
Hello, Can i use API v3 running ServiceDesk PLus version 9.4 build 9422 ?
Hi, I am trying to create request within SDP using REST API but I am having difficulties. When I enter the description textually I have no problems. However, when I enter the description in HTML code it shows an error message indicating that the account cannot be found. Query: data={ "operation": { "details": { "description": "<style type=\"text/css\">table{border-collapse: collapse;border:0;width:100%,background-color:#e0e0e0}center{ width:100%}.td_header_1{padding: 20px
Add external links to helpcards
Hi, is it possible to add external links to helpcards of request templates in ServiceDesk Plus MSP? Also, is there the possibility to format (e.g bold letters, cursive...) the text in those helpcards? Thanks a lot, Carolin
How to manage internet providers
Hello. We using ServiceDesk Plus MSP Enterprise. Our company offices are located in different cities. We have different internet providers in these cities. How to manage them using SDP? Any advices?
SDP MSP Roadmap Update
Hi! Can you, please, update Roadmap for SDP MSP?
Cross Domain Email
My main and largest client has 3 IT Techs in house. They want the ticket replies for their users to come from their corporate email addresses (Or at least appear to), but still have the system track all threads between technician and end user until resolution. Is there a way to accomplish this without creating a Federation between our corporate O365 Tenant and the Client's? I have been at infrastructure and application role outs for 21 years (Specializing in Citrix, you get pretty strong at rolling
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10511 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 10.5 - Build - 10511. Please refer to the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 10511. Enhancements : SDPMSP-15210: You can now restrict Account Managers and Point Of Contacts from creating public reports. SDPMSP-15269: SDAmins can now access restricted APIs on read-only mode. SDPMSP-15286: You can now configure the mail server with Modern Authentication (OAuth 2.0) for secure and delegated access. Refer
SDM fetch AD user photo
hello is it possible to configure SDM to show user profile photo from their AD attribute ( AD photo schema) ? thanks soheil
Where can I find documentation on the CMDB API
Hi everyone! I'm looking for API documentation for the MSP version. Does anyone have the link?
Can the completion of a task trigger a change to the technician on a ticket?
Hi, So I've come across a unique situation where I have a request and it technically needs to have two technicians assigned to it, but I can only choose one. I don't want to change the group for multiple reasons. What I decided to do to try and work around that is to assign the technician to whomever will complete the first task and create multiple tasks with the appropriate technician for each. Then, once that task is complete, go back and change the requests technician to whoever owns the next
Remove the new Request Left Panel for everybody
Hello, I would like to know how to remove the left request list for everybody when opening a request/incident. This is really annoying and it appeared after the new update.
Assign a User by Category and Round Robin by least amount of open tickets
I am making a field based on a capability matrix. Based on the vaule of the filed, i want the ticket to assign to one of two technician based on who has the least amount of open tickets. Looking for recommendation that are best to accomplish this task. Here is an example A service desk issue. The category would be Service desk, the techinian is Sheila Newman or Joyce Neider. Joyce has the least amount of open tickets, so the ticket is assigned to her. Can I do this?
Asset scan to pick up vCenter tags or attributes?
Is there any way to scan an virtual machine in vCenter as an asset and bring in its tags?
Approval based on Field Selection
Hi, We have a Access request (service request) form for ERP application, we would like to route the approval based on the Module selected in a pick list (additional field) eg. Module = Finance : 1st Approval = CFO The other approvals will be fixed and predefined with name. These approvals do not have to be on roles, we can define user names as well. Possible? Please assist
Business rule : When a Request is created AND edited
Dear ME SDP team, it is incorrect phrase "When a Request is created AND edited" because logically isn't possile to handle an event when a request is created and is edited at the same time In contrast, another event to handle approval events is described correctly via OR
Change the ticket ID
Hello to All. I have an Service Desk MSP installation. I am trying to change the ticket ID through queries. I am using MS SQLexpress. From what i searched everything led me to this link but its no longer valid. http://kbase.servicedeskplusmsp.com/faq/requests/reset-the-ids-of-request-problem-and-change.html Does anyone has the queries involved? Thank you.
How to make a technician inactive?
Hello I am preparing a report (non SQL but regular) in order to see what active technicians I have. And I have a desired report with a collumn active where all my technicians are active. So I wonder how to make sometechnician inactive if they are out of active support? I cannot see any option when editing a technician to mark them inactive
MDaemon SMTP sending notification failed
Hi, We have MDaemon mail server in our organization and use SDP MSP v10.5.09, but get error "sending notification failed" while send mail. [11:46:26:102]|[08-06-2020]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[46]: QUIT| [11:46:26:118]|[08-06-2020]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[46]: 221 2.0.0 See ya in cyberspace| [11:46:26:118]|[08-06-2020]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[46]: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.0 Authentication required I attached serverout.txt log to see my problem. What should I do? Do you have any best practice for
Automatically remove entries in the CC field from a request
Hi, We would like to see a feature for automatically removing entries in the CC field from a specific requester. Explanation: We have a customer that sends request to us, and also in every request CC's a lot of people and distribution groups that also needs to know about the ticket created. When we communicate with the customer, it's easy to forget to manually remove all the CC's, so it gets sent out to many people and groups who don't need to see the conversation. Also, if we set the ticket to "Resolved",
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