Alert when value does not change
I have a script monitor that will go and get the current document count from my ElasticSearch cluster. Since we are using this for log collect the value is consistently changing. Mostly up but once a day when it run through its cleanup the value will go down. How can I configure thresholds to alert only when the value did not change from its previous value? if {currentValue} == {previousValue Then {sendAlert}
Hi, We have been developing a Outlook Add-in called V-Technician that allows a technician to work with his requests and more from with in Outlook. we have add some feature requests to also connect to OpManager for companies that are using both Service Desk Plus and OpManager, So basically the what we have been asked to do and have already done is allow the Technician to view active alarms and clear,delete,Acknowlage and Unacknowledged the alarms. NOW FINALLY FOR THE QUESTIONS :) Is it not possible
Vcenter virtual appliance
I have vcenter virtual appliance and i put the Vmware credentials " local vcenter admin and user admin from domain and also admin on vcenter", the problem is, when I try to make OpManager discover the VCenter, its fail and put it on the unknown category. I Appreciate any help. Thanks.
Sonicwall Template (Gauge Datatypes)
Does anyone have a good template for Sonicwall? Or can help explain how to create custom monitors for gauge datatypes. I'm looking to monitor CPU and Connections. Using the MibBrowser i get good data back, it show me the values I'm expecting. When I create a custom monitor I get garbage. Generally a number between 1 and 4294967295 Looking over the MIB they are Gauge datatypes and I guess custom monitors only work with integer values. I have created a ticket with support (4540790) and sent them the
OpManager Platform
Hi I have couple of questions to open discussion: 1. I am considering on what OS platform I should install OpManager on. Linux or Windows ? Advantages ? Disadvantages ? 2. I am considering to install OpManager on a VM. Advantages ? Disadvantages ?
Could you take care of those ticket, please
Hi, I have two ticket opened but I didn't receive any answer for days. Could you kindly take care of them? 2121931 2034009 Regards, Roberto
opmanager on linux vs windows
I have noticed some discrepancies with your other products maybe working better on windows vs linux. Is there perhaps a guideline or best practice on what OS to run opmanager and servicedesk? I noticed for example, for the windows scan to take place in service desk, it needs wmi - how does one scan from a linux servicedesk system for windows domain then?
unable to load the jtds driver
Hello, "unable to load the jtds driver" This error ocurre a new install opmanager 11 on windows server 2012 R2. Please help.
SQL Configuration During Install
During the Install of OPMANAGER 11 I am tasked with providing SQL information such as Host Name, port(A default is present), Database Name (a default is present) User Name and PW. While I am certain that I am entering the correct parameters because I have connected successfully to this server via and ODBC Manual connection and test, OPMANAGER installer insists it can not reach the HOST ive specified. The install instructions dont provide much help or direction in this regard so I was hoping someone
Free support anywhere anytime for all ME products except for OS Deployment
Hi Everyone, I have using all ME products except for OS Deployment. I'm working good at a technical support. I hope, I can help someone. Regards, Trí Lê
Standard Polling Rate
Hi team, Could you please explain me the main difference of the OpManager versions Essential, Enterprise and Large Enterprise.
OpUtils Active Directory OU authorization ?
Dear OpUtils users, is there a way to link OpUtils only to some specific Organizational Units in Windows Active directory for the WMI calls and IP check? We will never have domain admin type of account in big international enterprise and only have admin access to several top level OUs, so the checks could be pointed to listed OUs. Is something like this supported or planned to be supported in OpUtils? I am now evaluating the product and all the features do work perfectly, only AD integration is
No data to draw a graph.
Hello dears i have a problem on some interfaces, the data is available on the interfaces but the graph showing as below.
Configuring File Monitors Error
Hello, I want to monitor a file on a server, but when i set the file path, appears a windows with a error: "File not found", and i'm sure that the file is in this path. I attach a file to better understand. Thanks, Alex
Hello team Its possible to add an MX100 to opmanager 10? thank a lot !!
Unable to link SDP
Hi, I am unable to link SDP from within OpManager. I receive the following error message: "Check whether the ServiceDeskPlus Server is running" and "Check the username/password is valid". The credentials are correct and the IP of our SDP server is also correct. Also, from SDP, I am able to "Jump" to OpManager. The build for our OpManager is 11500. Any assistance is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Jay
Memory Utilization - How it is calculated?
Hello, Currently OPMANAGER shows that our application server is reaching 97% of memory utilization. From application support finding, the application memory utilization is within the range. The question is how OPMANAGER memory utilization report display, it is based on what parameters, “allocated memory” or “memory in use”? Is the OPMANAGER checking the actual “memory in use” or it counts all allocated memories as “used” too? Thanks Shahriman
Victorops Integration
Hi there, I just purchased Opmanager and was wonder if there was a way to send alerts to Victorops Rest API. They have a posting URL of /integrations/generic/20131114/alert/user_API_key / $routing_key Thanks, Nate
How do I call an OID response within an alert message?
I am using the a default Performance Monitor string that is in the format $MONITOR for $INSTANCE is $CURRENTVALUE $UNITS, threshold value for this monitor is $THRESHOLDVALUE $UNITS Firstly, where do I find a table of the possible '$' values? I have found $INSTANCE returns a value which is useful to me, but not so much to a user, so I wish to translate this value to a name. $INSTANCE returns .2 which in this case is a radio site number. The radio site name I can retrieve from an additional OID
DashBoard Widget - current status
Hi, I have the need to publish curent status of processes, services and URL's on a server into a Dashboard. I was going through the various widgets but i wasn't been able to find any of them that can easily point out if a service / process / URL is UP or DOWN. I was able to find statistics but they refer to the last hour hence not what i am looking for. Thanks for any idea that might help me!! Thanks and Regards, Razvan Despa
OpManager 11 Firewall Ports on Windows 2012 Server
Windows 2012 R2 Standard OpManager 11 Installed OpManager 11 on New Windows 2012 Install. Can Open OpManager using http://localhost:8060 from the Windows 2012 R2 Console. I have a Windows 7 Pro 64 bit workstations that I use to keep OpManager open at all times. When I type http://server13:8060/ I get page can not be displayed tried IE and Chrome I also tried on server other computers Windows 7 Windows 8 and Windows Vista I found this
Customising device snapshot dials to include free disk space - OpManager 11500
We would like to customise the snapshot page to be able to view the Free Disk Space for the C and D drives of virtual devices by default. As there seems to be a limit of 6 dials then we are happy to sacrifice others e.g. Response time and Disk I/O usage if this can be achieved. Thanks JB
Machines Display No Data Periodically.
Hello All, Periodically certain machines on my network will display no data on Opmanager, however I know the machines are up and running. Has anyone else had this issue that can point me in the right direction. Thank You, Dale
How do you navigate this?
I am not seeing links to return to the main screen when in a node screen. What am I missing? Is there a tutorial on how to navigate? I am liking what I see so far, but it needs to be easily navigable. One other thins, I see no banner with a help link to tell me what it is. It also goes right to the dashboard on login, is there a way to change it? http://localhost/apiclient/ember/index.jsp#/Home/Dashboard/
Plugin: Network Configure Management can't detect device in OpManager Database. Error when use SSH backup configuration!!!
Dear Support, Now my system have some issue, please show me way to fit it? 1) IP addresses of devices can’t be detected in NCM plug-in, even though those devices are added and defined in OpManager. ( Device : Cisco ASA5520, HP Switch) 2) I use Telnet to backup Cisco devices successfully, but there is an error when I use SSH to backup HP devices. Moreover, my group wants to move all protocols to SSH for backup process. Can you let us know meet ability of this requirement? ( Device :
Highly avaliable opm
I want to know, below OPM plugin support HA? 1, the APM plugin; 2, the NFA plugin; 3, the NCM plugin; 4, the ELA plugin; 5, the FWA plugin;
OpManager and Service Desk
Hi, I install the lastest versions of OpManager Free and Service Desk Plus 30days Trial and i want to integrate both of these products. I already set up the configuration and all the CI's that i have in OpManager, Service Desk Plus shows these CI's. But when alarm is generated by OpManager, don't create automatically any ticket in Service Desk Plus. Any suggestion? Thanks, Alex
Dell W-Series AP225 Access point Trouble
I'm having issue with W-Series AP225 (internal antenna) access points, is in Trouble. I'M getting Alarm every 5 minutes. Please see Error rate interface. Errors rate for Interface 'radio1_ssid_id3-radio1_ssid_id3' is 1.268%, threshold value for this monitor is 1%. please see the attached. thanks
VMs Not Changing to Virtualdevice Even After Discovery...
So I've recently upgraded to OpManager 11.5 and so far I really find it to be a huge improvement over OM 10.x. One of the great features is how, after you create a Virtual Host (Hyper-V in our case) it finds and acquires all VMs hosted on that machine, even the existing machines that were previously classified as "Server". My problem is that not all of the VMs were acquired and re-classified as "VirtualDevice". I've tried to test the SNMP/WMI credentials and re-discover the VM, but even after a successful
How use OPManager REST API to remove a MSSQL Monitor?
Hi, I am able to create a python script to figure if the server has for example "Page read per second" monitor added in OpsManager using the getMSSQLDetails REST API. How do I use the REST API to remove a monitor attached to the server? Regards, Kam
Opmanager still connecting to server
Hello I deleted server from Opmanager. Also deleted WMI credentials from Opmanager. But in firewall logs I still see that Opmanager tries to login to that server. Why?
Email Alert Reply
Hello, I was curious if there is a way to make it so that you can reply to an email alert to automatically set settings in OpManager. For Example, lets say I got an alert for a device being down. It would be handy to be able to simply reply to the email Alert with commands such as Acknowledged, Cleared, Assign Tech, Unmanage. This would be good for items that you cant get right away. An example would be you getting email alerts in the middle of the night to your phone, you are fine with the system
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Hardware Monitoring
Hello, Cisco ASA 5500 Series monitoring via SNMP not pulling Hardware Health. *We are ablt to pull CPU and Memory utilization, Hardware details, etc... Please help. Pini
How to get Opmanager to pull Hardware details (ram, cpu) and "Service-Tag" from Dell servers.
Hi, Is there a way to get opmanager to find more specific hardware details about servers?(memory, cpu) Such as Service-Tag would also be great to have Opmanager pulling. Even Spiceworks does these things, and that is a freeware... Cheers!
How to alert using conditional statements
I want an alert to check every 10 minutes if violation occurs, check again in 5 minutes and if violation is still present then alert by email
Virtual Device - Unable to change IP Address
Opmanager is picking up the actual physical NIC IP configuration of a VM machine, which is in our DMZ. So in order for me to apply the WMI monitors to this device, I need to put the IP address which I use to get WMI queries to it (through our load balancer). That IP also has a DNS record which coincides with the name I've given the device. So when I try to change the IP, opmanager won't let me save it, it just comes back with the original DMZ address. Any workaround?
Secure Windows Authentication
Is there currently a form secure windows authentication, such as LDAPS? Also if so how do we enable this feature of OpManager.
UPS Status values are not updated.
UPS status dial values are not updated in custom snapshot page like UPS runtime, Power Status and Battery Health. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Opmanager 11100 and GSM Modem Ubuntu Server 12.04 x64 (Solution found)!!!
Hi! I just install Opmanager 64 bit on Ubuntu Server 12.04 x64. Next, I connect serial (with com port) GSM modem iRZ MC52iT (analog for Cinteron MC52iT) to host with Opmanager. Go to http://localhost and follow to Admin -> SMS Server Settings. When i click this link (SMS Server Settings) Opmanager fall down with this message: RXTX Warning: Removing stale lock file. /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0
Custom Monitor Graphs
Hi, I have managed to add custom monitor for my custom device (environmental sensor) and added the correct OID's- In the test page I can see all performance monitors are working/functional and receiving values. But I would like to see a graph of the data, like the CPU, I/O graphs on the server pages. How can it be done ?
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