wan rtt monitor source interface
Hi In my network I use vrf. I would like to configure wan rtt in one particular vrf on my cisco router I configure it using source ip address (and destination) in that vrf Next I add "vrf vrf_name" command on my router I test it using show ip sla statistics and it works fine But OPManager don't monitor it. It is strange thing. When I go to path detail it shows me address of my loopback instead of address of subinterface in vrf that I configured previously. I am using OPManager version 8810
Opmanager cant aware of the service is restarted
Hello, We're monitoring a windows based service named X with opmanager. When this X service fails it restarts itself in 6 seconds just because it's a live service and it's supposed to restart it self very quickly. However sometimes even the service fails opmanager cant alert it fails because it restart too quickly. We really need a solution regarding to this as we cant know if the service is restarted or not within day. Regards.
OpManager 12.200 (Upgrade from 10.250)
We recently upgraded our instance from 10.250 to the latest 12.200 - it's a great improvement but we are possibly experiencing some upgrade issues. Our main issue right now is getting a handle on the Maps - we've loaded the Google Maps and it was auto populated with many of our devices. However, I'd like to start fresh and ensure it is working on a clean slate. There are devices on the map I can delete, but there are many others that I cannot delete or get any information on at all - when clicking
Switching off SQL Alert
Good morning we are attempting to configure the SQL monitors with OpManager 12200 but am struggling to switch off the attached alert. We do not want to monitor this as we have many MDF's that are bigger than this and they are all alerting. I have increased the threshold but i think it would be better to just switch it off. Can you please advise how to do this? Many thanks
Problem with Real-Time View Plot window
I'm evaluating OpManager version: 12200 (64-bit) installed on Linux 4.4.0-62 (Ubuntu Dist) and found an issue with the real-time view plot. It appears that the Time Window field only affects the outbound plot. In the screen capture below, I show an example where the Time Window field is set to 1 minute (tested also with other values - similar results) and the outbound plot will reduce to 1 minute while the inbound plot continues to scale out indefinitely. As time progresses the 1 minute window
Monitoring Windows Server 2016 and Hyper-V 2016
Hi When will Opmanager support Windows Server 2016 and Hyper-V 2016. Thanks Best regards Eyðun
Typo on the interface "Additional Fields" section
I believe this should read "SLA related details" rather than "SLA related deatils" Attach image shows the misspelling.
URL accssing issue
i am facing the issue to access the URL because i disable the TLV1.0 on our server that running the uRL that i access. but in op-manager i facing issue Host Unavailable but when i enable TLS1.0 on server link is accessible.
Typo - Dashboard Ribbon
It is a fastidious detail, but it would certainly add to the professionalism of the product if the words, particularly in the prominent sections and titles, were spelled correctly. In the netflow section of the main dashboard ribbon, the word "Transfered" should be spelled as "Transferred" (with two R's in the second syllable). References: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/transfer https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/38915/why-is-transferred-written-with-two-rs
Plots are difficult to read without the ability to set custom unit scale
I'm evaluating OpManager for a potential purchase and have found some issues. I'm running v12.2 on Ubuntu Server 16.0.4 LTS. I've noticed that it is very difficult to read the plots in OpManager as the scale on many graphs is set to bps. As most of my network is running at multi-gigabits / s of throughput, this leaves me counting zeros on each graph to interpret what I am looking at. If this could be set to a user customizable scale (i.e Kb/s, Mb/s or Gb/s), OpManager would be substantially
Unable to modify Enterprise Dashboard, this restriction is unnecessary and causes problems when a widget fails
I'm evaluating OpManager for a potential purchase and have noticed some problems. I'm running v12.2 on Ubuntu Server 16.0.4 LTS. This issue occurred while trying to edit a widget. The widget disappeared while leaving a blank spot on the dashboard. As I am restricted from making any changes to this dashboard, I cannot delete and re-add the widget to fix the problem. Attached picture shows the problem.
Dashboard Last N Hours Widget - 1 hour period doesn't show the correct time frame
I'm evaluating OpManager for a potential purchase and have found some issues. I'm running OpManager v12.2 on Ubuntu Server 16.0.4 LTS. In this issue, there is a problem with the dashboard widget "Last N Hours" where the time frame produced on the plot doesn't match the period selected. When selecting "Last 1 Hour" period, the plot shows instead the prior hour (ending at the top of the hour) rather than the last 1 hour (ending at the current time). When selecting "Last 2 Hours" period, the plot
Op manager doesnt know if the service restarted
Hello, We're monitoring a windows based service named X with opmanager. When this X service fails it restarts itself in 6 seconds just because it's a live service and it's supposed to restart it self very quickly. However sometimes even the service fails opmanager cant alert it fails because it restart too quickly. We really need a solution regarding to this as we cant know if the service is restarted or not within day. Regards.
WMI or SNMP monitors?
Hello, Apart from the different configuration that the server must have, which one is better? Thanks, Jordi
Change OPManager Probe IP address
May I change the probe IP address? Do I need to change something? Thanks
netflow hakkında
Cisco 6807 netflow ları eklememe ragmen vlan trafik bilgisi geliyor portların bilgisi gelmiyor bi yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.
Automation in of manager with java and scripts.
Hey as time go forward i notice that skill of writing small programs/scripts that would do one job for many for example device templates. i see that it will be very usefull propably all the way with this managing art piece. So for example how i should approach this thing. I would like to set up notification profile to 60 devices. I have in execl all data to know how is responsible for a server and what is email to him. Can someone help a bit? i am fresh programer i know java for now.
Workflow for URL
Hi Team, We are tried to create workflow for our Internal URL link to check only connectivity or to know status of it. I tried to create new workflow but i didn't found such option over there. there are several link which we have to monitor in one workflow. So Guys Could you please help me out to create workflow. or is there any script that I can add in it to execute such command. Looking forward from you. Regards Viraj :-)
Event log of restart
Hey i need to set up allert from event log (server restarted) from there server that way it would be visible in allerts if one had occure.
Removing devices from OpManager after a set period of inactivity?
Good day, I was wondering if there's any way in OpManager to remove/unmanage devices after a set period of inactivity? The question was asked in this post a few years back, and I was hoping the feature had been implemented. Thanks in advance for your time.
How to display database size in GB instead of KB?
SQL server application template reports database size in bytes and when you have large numbers this numbers are big yet really hard to quickly figure how big. Is there are way to report size in GB?
Create a template for VPLEX EMC storage
Hi I got the MIBs for VPLEX EMC storage and I would like to create a template for them, and I have tried to create a device template but it doesn't work with me. can you help me to create a device template for this device? Thanks ...
Create new device template for EMC VPLEX storage
Hi I got the MIBs for VPLEX EMC storage and I would like to create a template for them, and I have tried to create a device template but it doesn't work with me. can you help me to create a device template for this device?
Script Templates for cpu,ram, disc space monitoring and allerting via e-mial if 80% threshold
As in a topic i need script for my device that would allow me automation seendning notification whene 80% treshhold on cpu, ram usage or disc space occure. I write with hope that some wise kind person ( :-) ) would help with writint adequate script. Aks me if you need more information or just help mi do it on my own. I need this for linux and windows.
Device template thresholds notification
i am having some problem with this approach. I set up the threshold values for monitors on devices templates. i added notification profile selecting option that should generate emial whenever any threshold value is excced but it dose not seems to work and i have no idea what could have gone wrong. any ideas ?
Device template thresholds notification
i am having some problem with this approach. I set up the threshold values for monitors on devices templates. i added notification profile selecting option that should generate emial whenever any threshold value is excced but it dose not seems to work and i have no idea what could have gone wrong. any ideas ?
OPManager on a Display Monitor
Hi Team At present when we are trying to project business view on a display monitor they are not coming proper . The image is very small can anyone guide the right way to do it . Regards manish
OPManager on a Display Monitor
Hi Team At present when we are trying to project business view on a display monitor they are not coming proper . The image is very small can anyone guide the right way to do it . Regards manish
OPManager on a Display Monitor
Hi Team At present when we are trying to project business view on a display monitor they are not coming proper . The image is very small can anyone guide the right way to do it . Regards manish
OPManager on a Display Monitor
Hi Team At present when we are trying to project business view on a display monitor they are not coming proper . The image is very small can anyone guide the right way to do it . Regards manish
Opmanager cant aware of the service is restarted
Hello, We're monitoring a windows based service named X with opmanager. When this X service fails it restarts itself in 6 seconds just because it's a live service and it's supposed to restart it self very quickly. However sometimes even the service fails opmanager cant alert it fails because it restart too quickly. We really need a solution regarding to this as we cant know if the service is restarted or not within day. Regards.
Opmanager cant aware of the service is restarted
Hello, We're monitoring a windows based service named X with opmanager. When this X service fails it restarts itself in 6 seconds just because it's a live service and it's supposed to restart it self very quickly. However sometimes even the service fails opmanager cant alert it fails because it restart too quickly. We really need a solution regarding to this as we cant know if the service is restarted or not within day. Regards.
How / What should I check if the OPManager can not be startup?
Dear all OPManager expertise, I'm new on using the OPManager. Here I encounter a problem that the OPManager can not be startup. How / What should I check? Thanks a lot! Raymond Cheung
Can Windows device template include Windows services?
I would like to add standard set of Windows services to Windows device template whenever we add new server so that we don't have to add them manually. Is what I am asking possible?
Remove devices automatically after set period of inactivity
Hi, Is it possible to automate the removal of inactive devices after a set amount of time of inactivity? As an example, if I have a Hyper V server that I decommission, it will flag the host as offline and subsequently all VM's on it too. Is it possible to create a workflow that can run on schedule or perhaps a trigger (30 days of inactivity) that can remove the machines from Opmanager? thanks
NETAPP aggregate info wrong
I have OpManager 12 monotring NETAPP 2240 filer and I ma getting following alert Aggregate Used Percentage for .9 is 62 %, threshold value for this monitor is 60 % I checked Netapp stats and aggregate is using 44% while one of the volumes is actually at 62%. It seems that "Aggregate used percentage" thresholds are for some reason applied to volumes as well. Any idea?
Error parsing ISILON MIB
Dear all, We have downloaded the ISILON MIB from OneFS. It;s failed to upload to Opmanager and get an error. Can you please advise how to resolve it? We are using Opmanager ver. 11600 (64 Bit). Best Regards
VCenter Events OpManager 12.2
I am currently using OpManager 12.2 and Im currently taking advantage of the VCenter monitoring. Daily there is thousands of Events that come in for informational events in for the VCenter Servers. I see in OpManager Database maintenance I can set how many alarms to keep in the database. How to do I control how many "Events" to keep in the database.
Free Webinar: Overcome the top IT management challenges of 2017 using OpManager Plus.
Hello everyone, ManageEngine recently released the survey results on top five challenges that might impact IT in 2017. Around 150+ IT managers, network administrators, CIOs and other IT professionals shared their views and predictions for this year. Based on the report, we have come up with our next webinar on how to overcome these IT challenges using OpManager Plus and get ready to combat them with an integrated network management solution. Webinar details: Topic:Overcoming the Top IT Challenges
Cisco device in critical test
Hi, I see couple of cisco devices in critical state.I can ping the device, SNMP and credetial test is passing through.I am even able to backup the config. How can i see log for which device is in critical state!!
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