"Top 3 Processes" incorrect
We regularly receive alarms from OpManager for memory and processor performance monitors where the "Top 3 Processes" information is wildly innaccurate. For example, just now one of our servers was sitting at 98% memory utilisation of its 8GB physical memory. 6GB was in use by a single application process. OpManager correctly reported the 98% figure, but didn't list the process consuming the 6GB in the "top 3". The top 3 consisted of processes using less than 1% of the total memory consumption.
REST API and DeviceType PB
Hi, I'm actually working with the REST API of OPmanager. My goal is to add new device(s) monitoring in my probes each time a new server is deployed. This task need to be done without any human interaction. So i've done some curl command to HTTP POST the data to the server. I need to add devices and to affect them a template, i think this is via the devicetype input. But for now there is two things that disturb me: First: The input field "deviceType" in the POST don't seem to be apply correctly, the
Openstack host/platform monitoring
Hi, Are you planning to extend your cloud monitoring applications to include Openstack deployments? At the moment I am only aware of the Amazon application monitor. This would be very handy for businesses who adopt other cloud technologies and can run them internally. thanks
OpM and APPM
Hi guys, Can I install OPM and APPM on same server? Tiago Toledo - Bigode Blog: http://www.pastelariadigital.com.br
Is there a way to automate supressing alarms via the rest api or in workflows?
We perform deployments on our 12 production servers 1 or 2 times a week. More often in our QA and development servers. Most of the deployment process is automated with linux bash scripts. We would like to include suppressing and re-enabling the alarms either in our scripts, or in a work flow. We would prefer to only supress the relevant monitors, but suppressing all alarms for a device or a business view would be OK. Thanks!
Manage Defaul Domain Controller WMI monitors for multiple DC's
Hi, I monitor multiple domain controllers maintaining our domain. Each time I have to update a value specific to Domain Controllers such as Active Client LDAP sessions I have to do it per Domain Controller. Is there a way to apply this to all my domain controllers per Opmanager server? Thanks
Can Opmanager be deployed on a windows 7 desktop operating system.
As topic.
Business view name
Hi, Anyone know how can I change the name of a defined busnees view ? thx, Joe
Icon Background Color
We have recently upgraded from version 9011 to 9410. Since upgrading we have noticed that the background colors (green, yellow, and red) are now pastel and not as "bold" as previous versions on dashboards. We have several color blind people who are having a very difficult time telling the difference between colors. Does anyone know what "image" or setting can be modified to create "bolder" colors?
Additional Information in Alerts
HI! I wanted to know if there is a way to add additional information on the emails sent with an alarm. For example CPU, Memory at the time of the alarm. I know I can cross reports, but it would be helpful have it in the same email. Thanks nicolas
kindly share Opmanager MSSQL DB structure.
I am planning for few performance reports for which I need support from Op manager MSSQL DB. Request you to share MSSQL DB structure. Please help me.
question about running "Script Monitoring" - Monitored Machine
Dears, I would like to know if i want to run a script monitor on a remote machine (Monitored machine, i guess) .. do i need set CLI access to that specifiec host in opmanager ? can you please explain a little about how can i setup a script monitoring on a remote host ? explanations in help card is not very clear, for example i assume i set a CLI access for that host, and finish my script code, then i choose execute from "monitored machine", what should i set for execute directory then ? the ${TempDir}
Can't draw a network map!
When I try to draw the network map, I get the error "No switch links found for this device. Please select different seed device" - I've tried all my Layer2 and Layer 3 switches, and get the same result. Do I need to do some extra configuration in OpManger or on the switches? They're all discovered, and the SNMP monitoring works.
Russian charset not recognized
Hello. I'm trying to use the latest trial version of OpManager 9450 on Windows XP SP3. I have a windows 2008 r2 server russian version, which is added as a device in opmanager. SNMP and WMI are configured. I configured event log rules for any application. And when I receive some alarm from event log, the message is not recognized. The problems is in russian charset. I receive the alert message like this ID=10016 Source=Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM Type=1 Message=Џ а ¬Ґвал а §аҐиҐЁ© ¤«п Є®ЄаҐв®Ј®
script monitor - output format
i try to run a vbs script and add result counters in the DB. even if the script works fine when i run it directly (using the session of the user used to run the opmanager service), this script didn't work in OPManager. is there limitations when OPManager run vbs scripts ? thanks
Tree view for managing device dependancies
I'm trying to configure my device dependencies, but the Quick Configuration wizard only lets me add or remove individual devices or entire device groups. The problem is that don't see a way to quickly set up multiple devices that don't belong in groups, and I can't see a "birds eye" view of the entire tree structure. What about a Map option for an overview of all device dependencies? Like a tree-style view where we can see the "root" devices (like core switches), and be able to expand (or drop down)
Server inventory detail
Hi, is it possible to collect all windows, solaris, linux server invetory details such as serial number, hardware model and so on? Thanks, Roberto
Template AD and Exchange
Hi, I have two AD servers and two Exchange servers. Is there a template for AD and Exchange? I need to adjust threshoulds and want to do once? Tiago Toledo - Bigode Blog: http://www.pastelariadigital.com.br
Automatic backup
I need to automate the backup of OpManager, I found this KB explaining how. But I see that you have to stop the service from OpManager to get back up, this is really necessary? I searched the forum, but many old things .. http://support.opmanager.com/sd/AddSolution.sd?solID=25202 Tiago Toledo - Bigode Blog: http://www.pastelariadigital.com.br
Unable to open the Windows 2008 R2 device template
I'm trying to add a custom OID for Windows 2008 R2 servers, but when I open "Device Templates" and click on the built-in Windows 2008 R2 device template, it just reloads the page. I can open Windows 2008 and all the other Windows templates, but just not Windows 2008 R2. I'm running build 9410. Thanks
OpManager v9450 support IPv6
Hi, is OpManager version 9450 already compatible with IPv6? Thanks. Roberto D.
hundreds of interfaces on a router
Hi, I have more then 20 Cisco routers which are part of a Cisco VOIP system. They end up E1 and ISDN cards, which means that the number of interfaces is between 300 and 500 on each. In reality i'm interested to monitor only the Ethernet and the physical E1, ISDN PRI or BRI. I have tried to unmanage all interfaces and then chose to manage only the needed ones - maximum 10 per device. Unfortunatelly any browser i use some popup are coming up mentioning that the page is not responsive and it ask me
SMS from Opmanager modem not detected
I am testing the SMS feature of Opmanager 9. I have a Siemens M35 modem. Opmanager cannot detect it. However, I can send and receive AT commands from Hyperterminal on the same modem with 19200 band rate and no flow control. Can you please assist us on this. Furthermore, is it possible to configure two comm ports. We are planning to migrate our current server to Opmanager. Our current server is connected to two modems (two sims from different suppliers for redundancy) and we want
Message: Response Time for xxxxxx service
Hi! I have a question regarding the "Message: Response Time for..." alert. Let say we monitor port 80 on a server, we are recieving the alert of a delay. How is this delay obtained? OpManager checks Port 80 and the delay is in the initial "handshake" to the port (network)? OpManager checks Port 80, the delay is in time the Port service response back (for example if we monitor port 80, it would be the web server). Are we using telnet for this check? Thanks Nicolas
DELL Equallogic SAN PS4000
Hi all, Has anyone been able to get a proper monitoring for DELL Equallogic SAN (PS4000) or device template for it? I uploaded the Equallogic mibs in OpManager and created a new device template for Equallogic SAN. But I just got quite a few monitoring data after I deployed this template for my DELL SAN. Anyone has a solution for it? Thanks in advance. Chris
Gallery of icons
Gallery of icons I wonder if anyone knows a gallery of icons? OpManager has very little. Tiago Toledo - Bigode Blog: http://www.pastelariadigital.com.br
Opmanager 9.4 ?
Why is there no mention of DB change to Postgres in Opmanager 9.4 ?
REST API for URL Monitor, WAN RTT Monitors and VOIP Monitors
I'm looking at the REST API and I can't figure out where can I list the monitors (URL, WAN RTT Monitors and VOIP Monitors) We have a CCTV System in wich I want to include the "Infrastructure Snapshot" but when using the "Get Infrastructure View" all the others are listed. What should I use?
Hepl me backup DB Opmanager!!!
Hi all! Im just use Opmanager, i backup db opmanager, but i dont know restore db. Everyones help me?? maybe by TeamViewer or Skype Nick Skype : xa_kyan im use Opmanager 9.x BRG/
Problem with 9450 on Central
there seams to be a problem with the newest version 9450. the probe ist showing everything correctly, but on the central server I only see the Alerts, but no information from the systems. for example I would like to see the Topn CPU / RAM Utilisation on the central, but it doesn't show it. On the probe I can see this information. I now made a new installation with 9410 an there it works. Does anybody have the same problem and perhaps a solution?
OPManager Administratively Down Ports
We are currently trialing OPManager. I'm a bit confused on the following behaviour. If a switch port on any of our ProCurve gear is Administratively down (meaning we want it disable) OPManager logs a Critical Event for that switch. Yet if a port is Administratively up but the physical link is down it logs a "Trouble" Event. If a port is Administratively disabled, it is likely we want it that way so it shouldn't be logged as a problem. On the flip side, if it is Administratively enabled yet offline
Hyper-V Virtual Host Questions
Hello I have two (2) questions regarding Hyper-V Virtual Hosts in OpManager build 9410: How do you unmanage a Hyper-V virtual host? Unmanage option is missing from Actions tab on snapshot page. (screen shot attached) How do you classify a Hyper-V virtual host as a Domain Controller? Host does not show up in the domain controller import list. Regards Colin IT Systems Manager Sandy Lane Hotel
How to change to device name ?
Hi, I want change the name of my device (in the red), but i don't how to do. I don't find which field to update. Regards, Mark
Two monitors
I have a virtual machine with two hard drives. I'm using the monitors: Disk Utilization Partition Details of the Device (%) C: What is the difference between these two monitors? The disk utilizarion appears: 74% use The Partition Details of the Device (%) C: Appears: 88% use The Partition Details of the Device (%)-F: Appears: 67% use The Threshould HD C: 85% and this in HD with 88% of this use by the threshould not detected?
HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /Login was requested
Hi Hi, When i login using web-base remote in, this error show up HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /Login was requested type Status report message Invalid path /Login was requested description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid path /Login was requested). Apache Tomcat/6.0.16after key in user name and password and click login. After i restart the machine. i can login without problem. May i know what happen actually. This error happen after few days restarting the machine.
Temprature from all devices to dashboard
Hi! Im looking for a way to pull "Chassis Temprature" from all my cisco devices into one widget. Have found a way to pull out temprature from 1 device but not for all. Im probably doing something wrong so thanx for any help
HP 3500 Switch CPU, Memory, Backplane guages
The gauges on our HP 3500 switches are just showing no data available. All of the other information pulls correctly on the switches. the little gauges just do not populate. What can we do to get them to work? They're specific model number is J8693A. If we click below on the actual monitors they are pulling the correct CPU and memory utilization and graphing them. Just the main page is the only problem.
Router Health
For whatever reason, the router health area displays "No Data Available" in the Router Health area of the SnapShot page. I would like to do one of two things. Either have the area populate with the proper data or remove it from the snapshot page. The routers that do not display data are Adtran routers. We have Cisco routers also but the Router Health displays fine for those. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? Thank you in advance.
Email Format
Good morning. This problem has already been mentioned, but the solution that gave us not work because the version we are using is the 9. The problem described in this link is the https://forums.manageengine.com/topic/email-format " am setting up a email notification that sends an email to SMS company, however the format that Opmanager sends (with plain text selected) is not supported. I have attached two text files"ç What happens is that the answer you gave does not apply to this version.
Java consumes almost 100% CPU resouces - Windows 2003 server
We are having some problems with JAVA.exe consuming most CPU resources when a user logs on to opmanager. When CPU resources are consumed, the server starts logging numerous system down errors (I assume because of low CPU resources). This also causes the Opmanager application to have very poor response for users. Our OpManager platform is Windows 2003 Server (VMware VM) and opmanager 8021.
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