OpManager show "Error!" after Service Pack 9410
After applying the service pack 9410 on 64bit version 9200, the service OpManager starts, but the browser displays "Sorry! An error occurred". Anyone help me with this problem?
Multiple devices are live, but appearing as 0% availability?
Hey There, I manage an enterprise probe monitoring ~250 devices of various types. Around 20 devices, (some switches and windows servers,) are up, functioning as live devices and generally working as expected, however in OpManager they are reporting as down. Some have been behaving in this manner for a while, some recently, though we've only just realised this is occurring. I have attached some snapshot screen shots to show what I am experiencing. I have tried the following: Rediscovering the
Memory Utlization-threshold
Dear Team, I want to monitor Memory threshold,Can we monitor? Example : Server had 32 GB physical memory.If memory utilization exceeded 30 GB. .I have to get alert. please update.. Regards. hussain
Devices are not pingable, but show 100% uptime
Hi, I have discovered a number of devices in OpManager that are not pingable, that do not have monitoring enabled on them and with IP addresses not recognised by anybody within my organisation. I would happily remove these from OpManager, except that they show as being 100% available. Does anybody know of any reason as to why this might be happening? Thanks, SM
Workflow running in loop
I have a checking status workflow, that want to running in loop. That means it will keep on checking and will alert me when it is fail. Is it possible?
notify when toner reached x%
Hi there, Is there a way for us to scan&monitors the printers (SNMP) to notify when toner level reached certain threshold? e.g. send email to support when toner is 5% Thank you in advance.
dashboard widget to show printers toner level
Hi there, is there a way to make a widget on the homepage to show/list all the printers we have, along with their supply level? I managed to add the OID for supply level in the device templates and successfully add it to the existing printers. Admin > MIB Browser Select MIB: Printer-MIB internet > mgmt > mib-2 > printmib > prtMarkerSupplies > prtMarkerSuppliesTable > prtMarkerSuppliesEntry > prtMerkerSuppliesLevel
DEVICENAME variable in URL template returns IP Address.
Greetings all. I want to create a URL template and apply it to a whole bunch of web servers. The URL address configured in the template is pretty simple: http://$DEVICENAME$/ I then created a rule engine with a simple criteria that matches the host, and the rule I apply is: Associate a URL Monitor, TemplateName. When I re-ran the rule template on the required servers, the URL monitor was created but the URL contained the IP address of the server, not the hostname. If I rewrite the URL Template to
Upgrade from version 8721 to 10200
Hi Support, Good day! Our customer is planning to upgrade their existing OP Manager NMS to the latest version. We are currently on the planning stage before purchasing an upgrade license and AMS. Can you give us details or upgrade path to be able to successfully upgrade our client's existing software version? Ex. from 8721 upgrade to 9000, then 9000 to 9100 and so on.. Thank you so much, Mark
Restoring MySQL Backup
I was trying to test a backup by restoring on a fresh installation of v10100. How can I restore the backup now that MySQL has been replaced with PGSQL?
Availability threshold limit violated (< 100%). 100% of requests sent from HK_Access_C3850 failed to reach
Dear All, What is means blow message? In RTT Monitor, Availability threshold limit violated (< 100%). 100% of requests sent from HK_Access_C3850 failed to reach Thank you in advance. Telemant Corp. Ysko
Log Agent on server 2003
I have installed the agent on a server 2003 and if i check the log file i find this rows: 2012/10/17 16:44:34:852 WARNING!!!!!!!! isPrimaryServer() :: SubString returned NULL for SERVER_ROLE 2012/10/17 16:44:34:852 Error code : 0, Error Message : The operation completed successfully. 2012/10/17 16:44:34:852 Error code : 0, Error Message : The operation completed successfully. 2012/10/17 16:44:34:852 AgentSendRequest : Last Access Address is 2012/10/17 16:44:34:852 ProcessAgentRequests
What kind of integration with ServiceDesk Plus?
Hi there, As the subject says. according to Admin > Tools > Add-On/Products Settings, the only thing the connection to SDP was for raising ticket(s). Our plan is to create a floor plan with the assets in place on Maps > Infrastructure Views and import a floor plan image then adding our assets. problem is, we already have all our assets added to SDP. And the addition of (the same) devices on OpManager is kind of doing the same thing all over again, and if anything it creates duplicate and we need
Real Time Interface Monitor is not working.
I'm sitting on my machine and I copy a large file to another machine so I can watch the traffice. I'm getting aroun 99% of my 1Gb interface used, according to task manager... however, the real-time monitor on OpManager is claiming I'm getting 10Gb of traffic.... on a 1Gb interface. Further, I've noticed that on all machines, the amount of traffic listed in the normal utilization graph is odd... on the server end, I get a very low value, but tracking the traffic on the switch port to which that machine
Cisco IOS XE
Some new Cisco hardware has multiple images for the different modules installed. I don't believe OpManager has the capability to monitor a specific image within one of these Cisco devices (for example, the Catalyst 3850). Can you please include this in a future update? I don't know if this link would be useful to you. It's called the "Cisco Enhanced Image MIB": http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios-xml/ios/snmp/configuration/xe-3se/3850/nm-snmp-enh-image-mib.html
Adding a MIB to a new template- which MIB file to use?
I'm trying to add the Cisco 3850 switch as a template. I found a huge list of V1 and V2 MIBs for this device on Cisco's MIB Locator tool. But there are over 100 MIB's listed here (screenshot is about 1/3 of list). Can you tell me which one of these I need to download for OpManager?
Modify performance monitors using custom monitors
Hi all, I have defined specific monitors to monitor the CPU using an enterprise MIB. That works fine. But to create a better control panel for the devices I would adapt the default perfomance monitor for CPU, which doesn't work with my device, to use this custom monitor. has anybody any idea about that? thanks Christian
Change Resposne time or packet loss dials
Hi, From my research it seems I can change one of the bottom 3 dials to a custom monitor by editing an XML file. How can I change the top 3, Packet Loss and Response time to me are useless and I'd like these to be switched with a customer monitor? Thanks!
Change "CPU Utilization" OID on 3Com 5500-EI
I create a custom "Performance Monitor" to monitor 3Com 5500-EI CPU Utilization, with this OID: . How can I define this OID to be used to generate the graph in the snapshot?
Opmanager / SNMP v3 issue
Hello, I'am currently testing polling to a cisco device using snmpv3. (opmanager 8812) Using bin\mibbrowser.bat : access is ok. I am able to query snmp counters using snmp v3 credentials Using opmanager, and mibrowser (in web console admin / mib browser), I cannot connect to cisco device and following message is displayed : "TimeSynchonization failed". Using dashboard of the cisco device, when I test snmpv3 credential, I always get : failed. When I try using another cisco device with the
Unable to add a new tab with URL target
Hi, I am unable to add a new tab with a URL as a target. When clicking OK, it simply reports, "Please enter the URL". I have tried various forms. The URL I want to include is the Storage view of opmanager, however I have also tried simple URL's, such as www.google.com.au for testing, and all give same result. See the screen shot attached. Cheers
Notifications "Run System Command" fails with spaces.
I'm working on creating notifications to pushover.net using the "Run System Command" notification type and it seems to fail any time there is a space. Normally I can run curl -s -F token=aG7K3cvqY1aJ7o39ZrY4Dve2M3yrnS -F user=m7VCDRsjHsaHz3vpArfrqLnzvr19JV -F title="ThisDevice 'has' A PROBLEM" -F message="help me please" https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json without a problem from a command line... but when I put it in the system command box with the right variables.... anything with a space or
Rule engine
hi... I want to create new rule engine for MSSQL but i can not find in define action. cloud you plz quid me about that?
Latest Version 10 Opamanger
Dear Team, While Installing latest version Opmanger,its getting error. Kindly refer the snap shot.. After installing the Opmanager setup and its not starting local host and also mange engine service is stopped. Regards, Hussain
Errors when upgrade
dear sir i cannot upgrade to 10200 can you please check the logs file http://www.4shared.com/download/4VysKzSF/logtxt.rar thanks
Juniper EX3200 Monitoring - MIB/OID question
Hi support, I am trying to monitor Juniper EX3200 and probings are strange. Memory is always 99% and interface traffic is not correct. I believe I do not monitor it correctly. Here is what I have in device template. System OID=. CPU . Memory Utilization . I cannot find OID for them. These are automatically populated after I add Here is what I had done. I downloaded https://www.juniper.net/techpubs/en_US/release-independent/junos/mibs/mibs.html.
Feature Request - APC Metered Rack PDU
Could these devices be included in the next version of OpManager? I believe there is a need for this. Thank you Edited to add: I wanted to attach the mib for the PDU but the file was too large.
Issues with monitoring Hyper-V servers
Hello. We moved to an enterprise version (master + probes configuration) build 9400, and started experiencing issues with Hyper-V servers monitoring. Some performance monitors can't be added (none of the monitors of HyperV Monitors group can be added; "Free Disk Space in GB/MB/%”, so we can’t monitor free space on a Hyper-V space) VM's can't be removed from the monitoring system (they appear after removing in a few minutes. We have some test VM's which we don't want to monitor and spend our license
How much bandwidth does central opm use?
Hi All, My client recently has purchased OPM 2000 license and firstly want to deploy two probes to manage their devices in A and B city, and their central opm will be deployed in C city. However, what they concern on matter is that how much bandwidth use between the sync of central and probe . As I known, it will be depended on the interval time of poll and the number of devices and interfaces, we also can find the PS(polls/second) in Central GUI, but they want more detail official
msmq monitoring custom script
hii, im a biginner. does anybody hav the script to monitor MSMQ .either in vb or shell script. or atleast any suggestions to write the script . regards , ashwin
How to configure OpManager for Online access through Internet?
Hi, I need a help How to configure OpManager for Online access through Internet. I have installed OpManager in a Server, the OpManager running in http://localhost:8060 need to exposed to online through internet using one of my domain name. Please me for this setting. Regards Prem
Hardware Health tab incomplete
Hello, I recently updated to 10200 so that I could gain the Hardware Health tab and monitor the health of my systems. However, it would appear as though the Hardware Health tab is hit or miss. On some of my servers, it shows the tab but no sensors. On other servers, it shows a few of the sensors like temperature, CPU and fans, but is not showing the disk array health (main reason for the interest in this tool). Is there something that I am missing or something I didn't turn on? All of the servers
How to get data from database or webservice directly to create our own web screen
Hi, Is there a webservice or something else, or direct connection to database to get data. Forexample i want to get down nodes for category BlockSwitches. How can i get it without using opmanager console. I will create my own pages with web programming. Is it possible to use a webservice, xml etc... Can i get it from database with a readonly sql user ? or webservice ?
OpManager Agent Service is not communicating with server
OpManager Agent Service is not communicating with server .... Why?
add new device manually
Hi there, newbie for OpManager :) Build Number : 10100 While playing around with it, I noticed that when I scanned a network, it found 2 managed media converter. when the scan finished and I imported the 2 devices, they're nowhere to be seen. When i do the network scan again, it still managed to find the 2 media converter, but it treated them as "new", so the import fails. This is where I do the scan: Maps > Subnets > Discover Network any advice? perhaps if there's a way for me to just add the device
SSL Certs
IS there any way for Opmanager to monitor for SSL Certificate expiration?
Hi, Sorry if posted twice... When I try to logon onto OpManager I get this error - Oops looks like a few tables got corrupted. Don't worry.. Run RepairDB.bat from bin directory and restart the server I have run RepairDB.bat multiple times today but it has not helped. what else can I try? Thank you Mason Sher
Applying a Business View filter to Dashboards
Our systems administrator is looking for an easy way to filter the pre-built or custom dashboards to only show information specific to a particular Business View. This is already possible by creating a new user that only has access specific to that Business View, but it seems like a hassle to have to log in to a separate account just to achieve this filtering. Is there any way that we can take a Dashboard and apply a Business View as a "filter" that can then be changed or removed as needed? For example,
query report
hello i need a query that shows the following information dns name connected ip mac address switch ip port number group name
WMI/CLI Monitoring with Custom Template
I'm having a problem getting my custom templates using WMI/CLI for performance monitoring. I want to create a secondary Windows 2008 R2 template for a group of servers that have different Performance Monitor thresholds than what I currently have set for built in template. As mentioned in previous thread, the template name begins with Windows, and Microsoft is set as the vendor. WMI credential test passes, and I can use WMI for process monitoring. Windows Service monitors are available. But using
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