i have SD version 10021. Hosted on CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810.
INVALID NODE:customPatchValidator
INVALID NODE:autoCloseDelay
INVALID NODE:customPatchValidator
INVALID NODE:autoCloseDelay
INVALID NODE:customPatchValidator
INVALID NODE:autoCloseDelay
Pre Invocation in progress 2% Completed [-]
It is recommended to take a backup before upgrading. Please note that the backup may take a while.
Input Yes to proceed or No to cancel the upgrade (will open the below url in a browser).
To know how to skip the backup please access the below link
Invalid Input. Enter y/n
Upgrading PostgreSQL Completed extracting 15% Completed [|] [-]
Error occured while migrating postgres database.
100% Completed [-] 98% Completed [/]ed [|]