[Tips & Tricks] A usher to requesters

[Tips & Tricks] A usher to requesters

Hello folks,

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and wish you a very happy new year! We have some exciting plans for this year and we would share those plans in the coming weeks.

As you all know, we have rolled out a lot of features in the recent versions of ServiceDesk Plus, this one tiny feature "Help Text" would help requesters know more about the request fields.

Let's consider this scenario, a novice logs into the helpdesk very first time and might not be aware what Priority field is for. A help text would help him choose a correct priority when submitting a request.

Similarly, custom help text can be added to every individual fields and template that provide a better perception to the requesters. To add help text, log in as an Administrator, edit the template and mouse hover the fields that gives the option to edit to add the text.

P.S: This feature was released with the build 9418 and would be available only for requesters as of now.

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