Term of the Day
“Change Advisory Board”
Definition — What is CAB and what
it does?
CAB is the most widely known as Change Advisory Board in ITSM.
They are a group of people who assist the Change Manager in reviewing the
change. The CAB member can be anyone within the organization who has good
knowledge and skill in evaluating particular change, there are no rules in
selecting a CAB member. Change Manager Approves/Rejects the change based
on his CAB member's review and advice.
Importance of CAB in the Change process:
CAB plays a vital role in every change process, especially in handling complex changes which involve high impacts and risks, the CAB takes all necessary responsibilities, like attending periodically scheduled meetings, keeping themselves updated in all Change activates, analyzing previously completed changes, especially the ones which got rejected. According to the website statistics, 80% of reviews provided by CAB were accurate, which have greatly saved the organization's resources and time.