[SOLVED] Cannot add attachment on request on non-english language selected [SD-82112]

[SOLVED] Cannot add attachment on request on non-english language selected [SD-82112]


Updated SDP from 10510 to 10512 last night, no problem during update.
But now Technicians reports that they can not add attachment when they respond to requests.

I have tested this myself and I get a error message if I use a non-english language in SDP.
No problem on english SDP:

When I click Attach file, and file should be uploaded to SDP I receive this error:
Ogiltigt värde angett för parametern "attach".

Translated to:  'Invalid value for parameter "attach"
And no file is attached.

If I run a web debug in Chrome there is a 400-error on this URL:

Same problem with other web browsers.


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