[Blog] How Survey statistics help your business grow

[Blog] How Survey statistics help your business grow

When running a business, it's always good to know, How do we perform? and How the users value us? Our view and opinion as a product developer, marketers, investor, support executive or any organizational employee will certainly differ from the user's perspective. All we needed is to bridge the gap between the two communities. Most of the organizations fail at this point from knowing what users really need.

There are plenty of failure stories that had affected the reputation of popular companies. Let's see an example of a famous America based shoe company, in the year 1997 they created a new logo for its basketball shoes that were meant to represent flames, however, the logo actually appeared to read as the word "Allah" in Arabic script. As time went by, a global fire was set that resulted in the recall of 38,000 pairs of shoes. This incident had a huge impact on their market shares. 

Taking a proactive approach through a survey tool will help us to avoid such failures. Customer feedback is much needed for any tool or service. Those that make the most of customer feedback are the ones that identify key feedback channels, use feedback to improve their products and services. It’s not always easy to embrace customer feedback because it may be positive or negative, and facing negative feedback head-on is difficult.

Keynotes to build the best survey tool
  • Define your strategy and goals
  • Write a list of potential survey questions
  • Create a survey template that is always reconfigurable ( so the survey content can improvised periodically ) More than 75% of consumers feel surveys to be an unwelcome interruption in their user experience. Fewer questions are usually better, as long as they are the right questions. 
  • To get the right information from users, make sure the survey template has options for ratings, opinion scales, yes or no questions, radio buttons, and other types of questions.
  • Choose a tool that has the flexibility to Schedule surveys, Auto trigger survey email after every closed/resolved ticket and  Auto trigger survey email after a certain number of tickets are closed/resolved.
  • Choose a tool with the capability to generate reports on user survey results including individual or multiple surveys to easily assess the performance of your help desk.
ServiceDesk Plus built-in Survey tool has inherited all these capabilities, click here to know more about SD survey tool. 

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