Steps to restart AntisamyNotificationSchedule: Step 1: Check if the globalconfig entry is present. Query 1: To check if schedule is completed previously. select * from globalconfig where category = 'AntisamyNotificationMigration' and parameter = 'isCompleted'; If above query results: true --> schedule is completed atleast once false --> the schedule is yet to complete Query 2: To get notificationID till which processing is done(only when the above query returns false) select * from globalconfig where category = 'Last Index Cleaned and Moved' and parameter = 'NotificationLastIndex'; Step 2: Update globalconfig values Case a. update globalconfig set paramvalue = 'false' where category = 'AntisamyNotificationMigration' and parameter = 'isCompleted'; (NOTE: Case b when there is some result for Query 2(Step 1), or else directly go for Case c) Case b. update globalconfig set paramvalue = NOTIFICATION_ID where category = 'Last Index Cleaned and Moved' and parameter = 'NotificationLastIndex'; (Give NOTIFICATION_ID in '' or "") WHERE NOTIFICATION_ID IS: case I: In Step 1, get the notificationID from --> Query 2 to get notificationID till which processing is done. If this case is failed, go for case II case II. Run the query to get the notificationID select max(notificationtodesc.notificationid) from notificationtodesc, notify_workorder where notificationtodesc.attachmentid is NULL and notificationtodesc.notificationid=notify_workorder.notificationid; IMP NOTE: Update the NOTIFICATION_ID with 1 greater value than obtained notifiationID(Exa: if notificationID got from query is 100, then NOTIFICATION_ID in the update query should be 101) Case c: Since there is no row in globalconfig for notificationID, we need to insert a row insert into globalconfig values (ID,'Last Index Cleaned and Moved','NotificationLastIndex',VALUE,'This parameter shows the last notificationID parsed for AntisamyNotificationMigration to add as attachment'); Here, ID --> insert a unique globalconfig ID Note the result of below query: Let, TEMP = select max(notificationtodesc.notificationid) from notificationtodesc, notify_workorder where notificationtodesc.attachmentid is NULL and notificationtodesc.notificationid = notify_workorder.notificationid; VALUE = TEMP + 1; (Add 1 to the result of above query,Exa: if notificationID got from query is 100, then NOTIFICATION_ID in the update query should be 101) Step 3: Update the schedule timing and status update task_input set schedule_time = VALUE ,operational_status=3 where schedule_id =(select schedule_id from schedule where schedule_name='AntisamyNotificationSchedule'); Here, VALUE --> Time at which you want to start the schedule (Default time is YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 for next day) Step 4: This set is to get seperate logs for the schedule. Add the below entry in logging.xml (PRODUCT_HOME/server/default/conf/logging.xmls) Step 4: Restart the service.